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The protector of the secrets... (The pet - thread) :-)

Started by Thomas_H, February 19, 2014, 05:12:31 PM

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Protector of the snuggie!


Aww man I miss my moggies :(   All sadly departed

Keeper of the CATalogue

Keeper of the Duvet


My man is called Enrike, which is Serbian for a Spanish name Enrique. He's really really cranky, ALL the time hehe. He doesn't like being held, nor caressed. It has always been like that haha. Just a grumpy white dude. Still, he's always 20 centimeters from me. Not in my lap, not on my thigh, won't sit on the couch with us except like once a year haha. But he is always within hand reach. Really a strange cat, I know he cares for us [as much as a cat could, we all know they only look their on interest right] but petting, purring, that's just something that he does for like 20 seconds tops and then it's just running, jumping, and punching. Oh yeah, he loves to punch me, hahaa with his claws in not out, he knows it's a game, but his favorite thing to do in the world is to play punch with me. Also I have never encountered a cat with so many facial expressions, these pictures don't really show it but man, it is hilarious.

always a companion

I really really miss this black beauty.

and here's my cat Milica that's living with my parents in an epic encounter

Cats just rule. With all the internet being flooded with cats they somehow started going on people's nerves but I don't care, they are nature's perfection. Loooooove em! - thoughts on some pedals I made - sounds and jams


QuoteMy man is called Enrike, which is Serbian for a Spanish name Enrique. He's really really cranky, ALL the time hehe. He doesn't like being held, nor caressed. It has always been like that haha. Just a grumpy white dude. Still, he's always 20 centimeters from me. Not in my lap, not on my thigh, won't sit on the couch with us except like once a year haha. But he is always within hand reach.

Hi Marko,
this is exactly the same cat I have. Ok, it still has its tail which mine lost when he was a year old (broke it somewhere had had to had it removed).
But mine will walk over you while you sit on the couch, finding the best place to lay down and waits to be petted. He is stubborn like most cats but he very seldom will try to kill you while you have accidently overpet him :-)
DIY-PCBs and projects:


Hah cheers Thomas! Next time I order some ultimate switch pcbs send me a picture of yourself with your pet hehe that would be the ultimate customer personalization :D - thoughts on some pedals I made - sounds and jams



Quote from: flanagan0718 on February 20, 2014, 03:57:01 PM
Hmm, maybe I miss posted. Everyone has cats.

No, there must be more dogs around. I also have something to contribute in this section.

I present:  the protector of the protector of secrets  :D

DIY-PCBs and projects:


I don't have any pics of him anymore, as he passed away about 15 year ago, but I had a dog who would howl on pitch to one (and only one) original song that my band at the time played.  He did it so often and so on pitch, that we eventually named the song after him (it was an instrumental, so it worked).  We should have recorded it though, it would have been awesome.
The only known cure in the world for GAS is death.  That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.


This is Rita, our cowico. She's named after the cat on Animaniacs. Lexa says that I'm her boyfriend, because Rita really only lets me pet her most of the time (unless she's really sleepy), but she's also friendlier with strangers regularly than either of us.* We have scheduled petting time every single day right after I get out of the shower and Lexa goes downstairs. She is an absolute expert at box inspection.

And this is Chandra, who is named after Chandrasekhar, who discovered the limit stars collapse before they become black holes. Unfortunately, despite being named after an astrophysicist, she is not a smart kitty. In fact, some of our fish would have a higher IQ. This is a cat that has difficulty with doors and is a frequent player of the "What are you eating!?" game. She also has trouble meowing, and mostly just squeaks. (Her unofficial nickname is Beaker.) She is very friendly, though (but scared of strangers). If you sit down anywhere in the house, she will find you and sit on your lap.

*Edit: This sentence has some ambiguous pronouns, but I've decided to leave it as-is, because it's true no matter how it's read.



My kitty, Lady Jane :) (Yes, she's just as fluffy as the picture portrays, if not more.) Not the world's most intelligent cat, but very cunning. And she follows me everywhere when I'm home (she's great at keeping my feet warm in winter.)

Speaking of winter, this is what she loves best at that time of year. Sleeping on top of a woolly blanket, with two more under the green thingy.
"A man is not dead while his name is still spoken."
- Terry Pratchett
My OSHpark shared projects
My website


I'm just not a pet person at all. All these Cat pictures are making me anxious.

JMK Pedals - Custom Pedal Creations
JMK PCBs *New Website*
pedal company - youtube - facebook - Used Pedals


Quote from: jkokura on February 21, 2014, 05:47:57 PM
I'm just not a pet person at all. All these Cat pictures are making me anxious.


Well I bloody love the little rascals. Dogs and Cats FTW.

A house is not a home without them IMO.

Plus pets have the advantage over kids in that they don't speak, and that they don't become sulking teenagers  ;D


duno about cats protecting ...a guard should look ...well guarding.
my lab loves fuzz