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Phase inverting question

Started by Cortexturizer, June 13, 2014, 10:58:07 PM

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hi guys! I am having a bit of a problem with the way my board is set up right now. So, I am running two set of pedals, set A that consists mainly of drive pedals, and set B that has modulation only. The last pedal in the B set is Zvex loop gate that has the fade out feature, or slooooowly closing the gate. The whole B set is in the loop gate's loop.
Okay, what I am doing is this:

Set A, then into Korg DT-10 tuner's input

from the tuner I am running two signals (because it has two outputs)

one is going directly to the summing mixer
and the other is going to the set B of pedals

after the signal passes the B pedal set it goes into the summing mixer as well (Baja Silent Selector)

So, basically I am dividing the signal after my drive pedals and sending one half to the mixer, and the other half to my modulation pedals and THEN to the mixer as well, running all of that in paralel. why? in order to have TAILS of the entire B section.

But unfortunately when combining the signals, they end up out of phase. Here's the schematics for the Baja Silent Selector

What would be the easiest thing to do, in your opinion guys, in order to change the phase of one of the signals so that they end up being in phase?

The out of phase sound is not half bad actually haha, pretty Larry Coryell-ish from the seventies I gather...but you know, I'd like to have the normal functionality of this arrangement. Thanks! - thoughts on some pedals I made - sounds and jams


No ideas guys?
I'm gonna write to bajaman eventually...but wanted to try here first - thoughts on some pedals I made - sounds and jams



huh...would you look at that, there's always that guy! lol

okay so, I am looking at this schematic

but I am unsure of the values I should use. Any thoughts? I guess some of them will depend on the Baja silent selector thingy, right? - thoughts on some pedals I made - sounds and jams


The ROG Splitter Blend uses the circuit. It uses:

- 1M for Rbias and pulldown
- 220k for R1,2,3
- 220nF for input cap
- 10uF for DC blocker

I'm thinking that should work. If you breadboard this, let me know how you like it. This would be handy for me because I sometimes run in stereo and I get phase issues depending on amps/pedals.


Oh I'm gonna build it right away!
Just...what's my Vref here, looking at the Baja selector schematic? That might be a tricky one, though I am unsure, but bajaman explained the circuit in detail on FSB, I didn't understand the half of it, but there was many a voltage cited there... - thoughts on some pedals I made - sounds and jams


Are you planning on putting it in the same enclosure as the selector? If so, I think you would just build a voltage divider/bias circuit off of the output pin of the 78L09. Somebody more knowledgeable than I could confirm. If you're putting it in it's own box, just give it its own supply. In either case, I would just use the power supply portion of the circuit in the Splitter Blend schematic.


Well yeah I'd like it to be in the same enclosure as the selector. Okay I'll try with the same biasing network as in the ROG splitter. Will report soon. - thoughts on some pedals I made - sounds and jams