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#DL4problems #sorry #hope

Started by Cortexturizer, August 18, 2014, 09:13:31 AM

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Sorry guys for hijacking the forum here, I am just hoping that someone has had a similar problem so that I could hopefully get my question answered...

So my DL4 is acting up, when I am changing presets on switches 1 and 3 (it doesn't happen on switch 2) there is a short cut in sound before the signal passes through, however, as soon as the signal is there, I can switch the delay sound on and off without it occurring! It's the same with the 3rd switch. So, as soon as I am alternating between presets - a dip in sound occurs for the first time, then when staying on the same switch in an on/off fashion - it's gone, everything works fine.

Switches or software problem? What do you guys think?

Oh, in the looper mode everything works smoothly. - thoughts on some pedals I made - sounds and jams


Sounds like you need to do the volume drop mod. What version is it. Green or badge logo? The switches should also be changed. Pm me your email. I've got info that should help.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Hey man, nice to see you again :) we did do some dl4 correspondence on the DL4 loop switch mod if you can recall...
I am not sure about the volume drop mod cause mine doesn't have it, I hope I've explained the matter good enough, it's just a momentary cut in the sound, after that it's back to full volume. The cut is as short as possible but completely perceptible, my whole board loses sound at that moment, it's a short moment, I'd say 50ms or something but it's incredibly annoying.
PMing my email of course. - thoughts on some pedals I made - sounds and jams


This is just to show the work I've done on these before. It also shows the "old" version. The newer one has a badge type logo.