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Which copper clad?

Started by PhiloB, February 07, 2014, 04:20:32 PM

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I'm placing an order with Tayda tonight.  They have 6x6 pieces.  Either Phenolic or Epoxy FR4.  If I'm etching boards with acid which do I want?


Quote from: PhiloB on February 07, 2014, 04:20:32 PM
I'm placing an order with Tayda tonight.  They have 6x6 pieces.  Either Phenolic or Epoxy FR4.  If I'm etching boards with acid which do I want?

If you are using Ferric chloride then either will work just fine.


I got some of the phenolic ones a while back. I'm not buying those again, as they cant take much heat before the copper comes unglued, and they also seem to be harder (takes more heat) to solder to than boards I have had in the past. Please post your experience if you decide to go for the epoxy ones, as I'm considering another order myself.


I'll go epoxy and let you know here.  May be a while though.  Thanks guys


Yeah I didn't like phenolic either.  You get massive break out when you drill it and the copper lifts if you transfer with an iron.  You have to be careful with it I guess.  The one 'good' thing I found with it though, when making tiny boards (smt mmbfj201 adapters) I could cut them down to a tiny size with side cutters easily (that's how brittle / soft the board is). 

Didn't know tayda had fr4, have to give it a go some time.
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just a curiosity question about the FR-4...  do you drill it outside or with some special ventilation?  i've always been put off trying to do any in-house drilling of that because of the fiberglass component.  just curious...