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Started by stevie1556, February 02, 2014, 01:44:49 PM

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After a bit of a fight, I finally got this one going!

It's basically a Lofo Mofo and it's great fun to play through, making your guitar sound like it's coming through one of the old style transistor radios.

I made a mistake on the layout by placing the gain pot after C1, and not before it. Had to cut the trace and install a small wire. Also, when I designed it, it was for board mounted pots, but when I had the box milled, the holes were too high for board mounted pots so had to wire them in.

I've got another 8 boards spare if anyone wants to build up a cool little circuit.

The last pic shows the depth of the laser etch on the box (I'll be offering this with my boxes soon), and a close up of the 3D paint effect using antique gold powder coating.

Sent from my thumbs using Tapatalk!


Man, I LOVE that paintjob! Write down what you did there 'cause you'll be doing one for me soon!  ;D

How fine can that laserjob be? I understand this font is wonky on purpose, but how sharp can you get it for some detail work?


Neat wiring and a great etch - what more can you ask for? Glad you got the build sorted out.


Cheers for the nice comments guys!

G - These were done by a place that I've used for a few boxes, the new place I'll be using as of tomorrow, I'm not sure on the smallest size possible. I'll have to let you know tomorrow. The one I'm looking at buying in summer is 1x1mm though, but that is a cheapish Chinese one, so I would imagine this one to possibly be slightly better.