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How often do you build?

Started by AntKnee, January 31, 2014, 12:54:07 AM

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Right now, I'm averaging about 1/2 a pedal a month, if we're talking about completed functional builds. I populate/test about 1 PCB a week on average. I design 2 PCB layouts a week, on average. I spend a lot of time reading electronics theory and comparing old schematics as well.

So, a lot of time is going into the craft, but my actual completed pedal output is rather meager.
Partner and Product Developer at Function f(x).
My Personal Site with Effects Projects


Quote from: juansolo on January 31, 2014, 09:48:42 AM
Edit: Cleggy has quite correctly reminded me that at least an hour and a half of that time is spent in the pub... *blushes*

I like the way you work!
"A man is not dead while his name is still spoken."
- Terry Pratchett
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I think I spend too much time on Forums and not enough in the workshop...

JMK Pedals - Custom Pedal Creations
JMK PCBs *New Website*
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Quote from: juansolo on January 31, 2014, 09:48:42 AM
Cleggy has quite correctly reminded me that at least an hour and a half of that time is spent in the pub... *blushes*

I'll have what he's having! :) :)
Chief Executive Officer in Charge of Burrito Redistribution at Hytone Electric


I don't know about you guys but the success rate affects how much I build. If I have a couple in a row that doesn't work it kind of knocks the wind out of me and I'll back off for a week or two. If I have success, especially on a more difficult build I'm encouraged onward to the next build.
Also the weather. I build in our garage and during the summer it was so hot out there that firing up a soldering iron didn't seem all that pleasant.
But like somebody else said, even when I'm not building I'm checking this site daily.


I wanted to expand on my original response a little more. The reason I don't build that frequently is that I only build stuff I like/think I'll use regularly. There are a lot of effects that aren't my cup of tea, so I'm not interested in building them. I know a lot of people here subscribe to the "build all the things!" mentality, and I really think that's great - it's just not my style.

Of course, if someone's hiring me to make them something, that's a different story.


According to my wife, I never stop.  Truthfully I stuff a few boards... Order the missing part. Finish stuffing a week layer.  Then a week after that I test, and it takes me a few weeks to do a nice graphic/enclosure.   I probably do. It probably averages out to a pedal a month.  Maybe one every two weeks if I'm on a roll.


Kinda like CJ said, I spend a lot of time on the craft just not many finished builds to show for it. I have been living on the bread board lately, a few hours a day on average. It's my happy place right now even if I tend to get a crappier sounding version of the circuit than the fabbed one. My theory is weak so it's a lot of hack experimenting and setting trimmers and pots on fire ::) With time I hope to add a decent understanding of theory to my experimenting to speed the process and to know what's possible.


I like to take my time, savouring every moment. Every single drop of hot tin! Hehheh!
One a month is what im doing or 1 in 2 months!! Im just starting....
If i fart a lot,  it means that i'm a Gas expert ?


I'm pretty much 7/7 in it.... i have my day job wich is 3 days a week, 12hours per day from wednesday to friday. But when i come back from work, i shower and get back into this. The 4 other days of the week left are entirely dedicated to this.

Lately i've been building a bit less... maybe 3-4 pedals a week in average, most of my time is currently going in the IDA projects, prototyping, getting some of the buissness aspects settled, LOTS of email and data exchange to get all the little details fixed.

Killing Unicorns, day after day...

Building a better world brick by brick:


Today I worked on the car for a refreshing change. Back to building Weds though (monday/tuesday are my weekend).
Gnomepage - DIY effects library & stuff in the Stompage bit
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