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Op-Amp Muff(s)

Started by rullywowr, January 31, 2014, 04:31:08 AM

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Those look great, Ben!

I've used that brushed metal acrylic on a few pedals as well.  It does take a little bit of playing around to get the cut right.  I had some curling issues with mine when I first did it (had to balance speed vs. power).

I think the material looks really good.  My only concern is that is isn't the most robust material.  I'm pretty careful with my pedals, but I don't know how well it would stand up to road use.
Function f(x)
Follow me on Instagram as pickdropper


Thanks PD, I agree on the durability...its only acrylic after all.  You know what is totally wack....Rowmark's settings.  I used their "suggested laser settings guide" on this stuff and pretty much caused a fireball meltdown in the machine.  Their settings were WAY too hot to say the least.

So I called Rowmark tech support, and asked what I am doing wrong...I am using your "recommended" settings.  The lady replied..."oh yeah, we need to change those.  You are right, they are way too hot.  We put those settings up when we did tests at the office with a laser which had the bulb on it's way out"...... I'm like you have to be kidding!  Oh well, the end result is what matters.

  DIY Guitar Pedal PCB projects!


Jeez, that explains a LOT.  I already deviated from their settings, but I would've preferred a better starting point.
Function f(x)
Follow me on Instagram as pickdropper


Great job Ben, I love the faceplate and the Op-Amp BMP is a fantastic circuit. Can't wait to give your PCBs a try, they look fantastic.