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ZeroPoint SDX Build

Started by muna93, January 26, 2014, 03:18:50 PM

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Hi mates! This is my own take to the ZeroPoint SDX Delay! It went all goot at first run!
Main features:

  • Rate led under Mod Rate Knob (with transparent knobs, man this is epic!)
  • 4K7 resistor in series with the slam footswitch (infinite feedback was too loud and too fast!)

resistor, diodes and sockets on-board

soldering time!

caps on-board!

internal wiring (not so tidy :P)

front panel! I don't mind doing quality prints on my pedals, since I'm the only one that is going to use them ;D so I wrote with my permanent marker all the texts...

Sorry for bad quality pics! they are from my mobile phone...

This is my first madbean build! I really love how creamy this delay sounds on my modular synth!



That's a heck of a first post, man! Welcome!


Dude, that's cool! Your pics are more than good enough, and I like that you documented the builds progress, I definitely should do that more!  Very nice first post, keep it up!

"If you can't stand the heat, stay away from the soldering iron!"


Nice one!
For me that was one of the hardest pedals to make, I had some issues drilling out the enclosure just right so I had to over-drill the pot holes and both holes for the jacks and cram everything inside the 1590bb enclosure but in the end, those delays are top notch!  Everyone I know that has heard it and knows delay pedals wants me to make them one LOL

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