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Kingslayer swirling sound

Started by smoreland120, January 24, 2014, 04:39:11 AM

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I just built my first pedal from madbean and it was fun!  I built the Kingslayer and it sounds great when the OD is switched off, but when I engage the clipping diodes, you can hear a swirling sound that is fairly audible.  Any suggestions?  Thanks for the help!


What's the pitch range of the sound you hear? Which charge pump did you use and did you make any substitutions?
Affiliations: Music Unfolding (, software based effects and Rockā€¢it Frog (, DIY effects (coming soon).


Thanks for the help.  The pitch changes when I adjust any of the pots, but it is a high pitch.  Its not obnoxiously loud, but definitely there.  I used the TC1044SCPA charge pump.  I didn't make any substitutions.  I'll try and link to a video of it when I get home from work. 


Ok...I'm going to sound insane, but when I got home and fired it up, it was working fine.  When the soft clipping diodes were engaged, the swirl/whine was gone.  Hopefully for good!

Now on to the Zeropoint SDX on the table!