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How to turn a Slambox into treble booster?

Started by brand0nized, January 13, 2014, 07:27:32 AM

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I have a slambox pcb from chromesphere, but I want to build a valve caster, and people are saying to use a treble booster with it. What caps would I mod to turn this into a treble booster?


I'd say buy a Rangemaster board, build them both to spec and see what you like best..........

"If you can't stand the heat, stay away from the soldering iron!"


A treble booster like the one they're suggesting isn't just changing a couple caps on a booster to boost the treble instead of full-range. It also has very specific biasing and heavy input loading, which adds extra distortion and also cuts the treble (basically, tone suck).

However, there is an interesting property of the SHO that it does, at least, add distortion and input loading when the gain is all the way up. However, you will have an input impedance of a few hundred KOhms, unlike the perhaps 50KOhms of the rangemaster. So it'll retain more treble. But people do seem to like the distortion added.

Dutchy's right that you should probably build both correctly before you consider modding the SHO.


Thanks guys, I'll try that when I get the chance. Getting my brain juices flowing.