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Started by neve1272, January 14, 2014, 11:07:50 PM

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am super happy with the sound of this but i jacked up the envirotex a bit live and learn
bcalla i stole your idea for led on the switch was really inspiring aesthetics

but ever since i saw the Jon's joshua tree i wanted something like it

part of why i waited so long to do it was the fatpants jr was comming out  and i wanted a small as possible  enclosure

still pretty pleased for my first multi pedal


Wow, sounds and looks great!  There's a lot going on in there!

I just envirotexed 2 enclosures over the weekend - my 2nd and 3rd.  It is definitely a learning curve.  Both are much better than my 1st, but I'm still not there yet.  But even with the flaws I think they are an improvement over clear spray paint.


nice job (cool enclosure work esp), and a certified good team of PCBs :)