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Mayo scoop switch

Started by Jmilla, December 19, 2013, 06:25:04 PM

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How would you wire the scoop switch up to a mud bunny board?


Not as easily as it'd first seem to be honest. We added a scoop knob to the ?Lady clone and it just didn't sound quite right. A quick dabble with Duncan's Tone Stack Calculator (invaluable for this) showed the prob, adding the pot had moved where the scoop was in the frequency range. We had to make two small changes elsewhere in the tone stack to move it back a bit. It of course now sounds a little different but the scoop works properly now.

So yeah, stick the values into DTSC, and adjust the values in there until you get the desired scoop. When you've got something like what you want it should be a doddle drop in there. As you're wanting it on a switch, adding a cap in parallel will be the best way. If you're adding a pot, stick it in series with one of the resistors. As to which one will depend on what you want to achieve, but for reference, R18 or C10 are going to be what you'll add a pot/switch (respectively) to most likely. But as I say you might also need to make changes elsewhere for it to work well.

Edit: I take that back after a quick play with the calculator. Adding a 15n cap in parallel with C11 might give the desired effect. Messing with C10 seems to be the best way of flattening the mids rather than going the other way. Suck it and see.
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Thanks much I'll give it a shot