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project S.T.E.P. (Save The Earth Pedal)

Started by artstomp, November 17, 2013, 06:06:26 AM

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project S.T.E.P.

Save The Earth Pedal

hi fellow madbeaners...not many of you see me in the forum that often...but i made a few buddies here at least...
im from the philippines...and i guess youve seen images in the CNN and internet how Typhon Yolanda has devastated my country..
thank you people of the world for contributing and helping us survive the wrath of natural calamity...over $2M has been donated...and ships and airplanes and helicopters..are coming forth to our direction bringing Hope and relief to my countrymen. thank you world, thank you humanity.
The U.S. are among the first to do its humanitarium mission, Australia, Japan, Israel, U.A.E...almost every rich country has come to the rescue, except for China, our neighboring country...(ooopss...) ???

im posting this not to request for a cash donation...( or a pedal?.) but may i humbly a pedal builder, to my fellow pedal builders that maybe we could at least build a single pedal that will not contribute to the "human footprint".

maybe a pedal without a battery option
use recycled plastic enclosure like modem enclosure, toys, etc
its up for you guys...the possibilities are endless for us pedal geeks!

im not asking this for my country alone...but for humanity in general..for our children's future...


..its what its all about...i know you've seen these...iceberg melting..earthquakes..(we got one at Bohol just a month ago!)...tsunami....toneami?..oh this would make a good name for a "S.T.E.P." pedal, i guess...a flanger?..maybe a chorus?...Hurricane...Katrina!..oh thats an uberDrive!....

i have not much to say but thank you guys in advance!  ;)

i dont want to post images of typhoon Yolanda..but instead pics of soon to be S.T.E.P. pedals.

;) :) 8)   Mabuhay!   ;) :) 8)

S    T    E    P              Save The Earth Pedal               S    T    E    P              Save The Earth Pedal               S    T    E    P              Save The Earth Pedal               S    T    E    P              Save The Earth Pedal               S    T    E    P              Save The Earth Pedal               S    T    E    P              Save The Earth Pedal               S    T    E    P              Save The Earth Pedal               S    T    E    P              Save The Earth Pedal               


Unbelievable devastation mate, hope your family made it through OK, all the best from Australia, Matt.


..tnx man...tnx Australia..i know your govt just increased its donation to the Philippines to A$30 million from the initial A$390,500 it pledged immediately after the typhoon...the Australian government even sent doctors, nurses, paramedics and other medical specialists to provide healthcare services to typhoon victims....deployed two Royal Australian Air Force aircraft to assist  in relief operations in Tacloban City....thank you!


Nicely played artstomp.  We're getting a lot of news coverage here in the States and its mind boggling.

I've been building without batteries and pirating parts from an old TV for years now, but I just thought it was cuz I was cheap  :o

And what did you guys do to piss off the Chinese?  What'd they send, like a donkey and a truckload of bread?  Stay strong and keep the faith.  We've been hunkering down all day with tornadoes in Chicago and with relatively minor damage, I can't even imagine what you're going thru.

Gordy Power
How loud is too loud?  What?