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9V Wall adapter problems!

Started by Darkknigh_t, November 17, 2013, 06:10:08 PM

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Hello sorry if im in the wrong section!
Okay so this is the deal i have gone through so many wall adapters for powering up my pedals and i stopped counting. The thing is it just stops working :/ The latest one that broke down is a digitech 9V 300mA power supply. It just stopped working after like 3 months and i always unplugg it when im done playing. To open it i have to saw through the plastic. I did that with the others and found nothing visually wrong so I was wondering there has to be someone here who fixed a couple of these power supplies? Can you guys give me some advice on what to keep my eye out what to measure what to check?
I doubt that the transformer burnt out but even thats possible i dont know it doesnt look burnt.
Please help :)
Thank you!


You have to ensure your power supply can keep up with the amp draw of your pedals. Some pedals can draw 100mA or more. An led is about 20mA.

300mA may be fine for one pedal but if you have a bunch of power hungry pedals, it certainly isn't going to cut it.

You could get scientific by measuring the current draw of each pedal however it would be highly recommended to get a power supply which can deliver at least 1000mA. A one spot by visual sounds is a good cheap source.

  DIY Guitar Pedal PCB projects!


i know but this is the thing i had one 9v 300mA for 3  years to power 5 pedals no problem and that one died. i bought the same one and after 3 months it died. i think something inside has given up but measuring while plugged in the mains i first need to know what i should be measuring to check.

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I burned through several myself AND a joyo power supply. I bought a Dunlop power brick and it's lasted a lot longer so far.
Pedal building is like the opposite of sex.  All the fun stuff happens before you get in the box.


What type of pedals are you using? If you're using any delay or modulation based pedals then 300mA might not be enough. Maybe the first adaptor was supplying more than 300mA (even though the label stated 300).

Like rullywowr said its best just to get a 1000mA PSU (minimum).

If you want to measure the current draw of your pedals then the following link might be useful:


ive been using only overdeives and the delux delay from madbean but never at the same time and it stopped working while i was using just the box of rock so there is no reason unless a internal component died. i know they burn and break often but why? is it the transformer?

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