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Strange Behavior with Pharoah

Started by angrykoko, September 22, 2013, 03:46:27 PM

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I built a Pharaoh on a etched mudbunny but I have the oddest behavior with it on 1 of my 2 amps.
I have no idea where to even start to debug this one.

The pedal acts normal on my Blackstar HT-5.  Everything I describe below does not happen on this amp.

But on my Orange OR-15 the volume knob will increase in volume until about 1:00 then start to decrease in volume again as I move towards 5:00.  The volume doesn't shut off at 5:00 just get's a little quieter.   Also if I put a phaser after the pedal, there is a fairly big volume increase when the phaser is on.   But, If I put a clean boost after the pharoah (a guitarpcb stage 3) I don't get the same volume boost, I almost get the reverse effect to where I have to dime the the boost.

One last thing, I did try another  mudbunny (violet rams head specs) on the OR-15 and it works and acts normal.

Any ideas?


The early bird may get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese in the trap.