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How to export with high resol on diptrace for tone transfer?

Started by Gledison, October 31, 2013, 07:57:22 AM

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Hey Guys.
Just started to full around with diptrace and the bmp file ive generated has a very low resolution! Impossible for tone transfer. The tone transfer layouta found here are made with this software? Any help?
Thanks guys!
If i fart a lot,  it means that i'm a Gas expert ?


I love DipTrace and while I still have Eagle on my computer for other users files, DT allows me to get things done quickly. I love the 3D modeling too. The workflow is just so much easier!

BMP files do have low res as they are raster. Try either printing directly from DipTrace or print to PDF (cutePDF) if possible.  If u print to PDF you can manipulate it in Inkscape.

Printing directly from DT you should use the following settings i found on the web:

In the Diptrace Print Window set the following settings:

Print the bottom layer non-mirrored at 100% scale.
Enable the printing of Pads, VIAs, holes, traces, connections, board, and assembly layers.
Disable the printing of Silk layers and tables.
Enable the Print in Black option so the board outline will be printed in Black.

  DIY Guitar Pedal PCB projects!


If i fart a lot,  it means that i'm a Gas expert ?