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Peanuts to Space (1590A reverb) & ZP Micro

Started by midwayfair, September 02, 2013, 03:36:32 AM

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... Peanuts to Space

This is a 1590A Reverb on perfboard with enclosed jacks and a side DC jack.

Since the board is face down, here's a peak at what it looks like under there:

The perfboard circuit is tiny, and it's sized and arranged so that when the brick is attached it will put the perfboard into the cavity in front of the low-profile jacks. I'm not sure it would have fit any better with open jacks; the problem turned out not to be the brick itself but the potentiometer butting up against the caps and especially the chip (which I had to put in a socket because I fry them every time I try to solder them since getting my soldering station :(). The other thing I did, which probably wasn't really necessary, was snip away part of the plastic on the brick so I could bend the pins flush and fit the board entirely under the brick. The output pulldown had to go on the switch because there just wasn't a good way to fit it. The input pulldown is unnecessary in the Rub-A-Dub given the input impedance. Here's my layout; it also has the values I prefer (which let the reverb get above unity and reduce the signal level going into the chip):

I don't think this beats the Box of Hall in a 1590A with enclosed jacks that was posted on BYOC recently, and after doing this I can't for the life of me figure out how that one was done, but I've done it and I can stop thinking about it now.

Singularity (Zero Point Micro)

I actually soldered this up very soon after the project was originally released, and I've had the box drilled for a couple months, but I wasn't happy with a few things. I kept thinking I'd revisit this build, but that just kept not happening, so I boxed it up stock. Specifically, I don't like that the delay never gets above about 66% of the dry signal, and there's a bit more trash in the repeats that I would have expected from the filtering, but the modulation does sound good. I ended up wiring it as true bypass but I might go back in and do it as tails instead if I ever decide it needs to go on a board.


Very nice work! The graphic on the ZP is really cool and spacey. I can't believe how much fanagling it must take to get a brick and a board into a tiny build without something shorting out. Your work is always most impressive sir!


That reverb is amazing! How you did ot
It is amazing! Well done, give yourself a pat on the back!

Sent from my thumbs using Tapatalk!


Holy crap! That's amazing Jon! I can't believe it's even possible to get that Belton to fit in there!


Very impressive, masochistic piece of work, i saw the other one at BYOC too and all i can think to ask is, WHY would you put yourself through this ;) Matt.


Saw the other guy's belton-in-a-1590A on diysb, and I still reckon that little bonsai boxes scare me more than big ring modulators ;) :)
"A man is not dead while his name is still spoken."
- Terry Pratchett
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Brilliant work. How do you keep things so neat!?


Pedal building is like the opposite of sex.  All the fun stuff happens before you get in the box.


Nice work, Jon! I don't know what could be more difficult than trying to put a brick in a 1590a. One suggestion though: it would really be great if could post larger pictures. Your builds are so instructional to a lot of us and it would be great to be able to see them in more detail.


Just great mini builds, Jon.  Very well fit together.

Nice graphics, too.
Function f(x)
Follow me on Instagram as pickdropper



These 1590a reverbs are killing me.... Love the paint jobs, especially on the Singularity.


Dammitol Jon, you inspired me to revisit the Tenebrion (modified box of hall) 1590a layout that I have been avoiding.
Function f(x)
Follow me on Instagram as pickdropper


You're a monster!

I mean that in the best way possible.