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MudBunny issues

Started by wretched, October 19, 2013, 06:01:30 AM

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Hi mate, glad you got 1 working. Google Beavis audio and have a look how a dc jack works, which tabs to solder to what and why, particularly, what happens when a jack is inserted in the dc socket. all the best, Matt.

croquet hoop

I am sure you can use a different value for the probe.

Quote from: wretched on November 06, 2013, 05:50:09 AMBad news is that I tried the same with the Rams head build and still nothing. I am going to try and clean up the input/output and see if that helps. However did I need to change the direction on the 2n5088 like I did for the BC550?

When in doubt, always check the datasheet of a component. It seems daunting at first, but you soon understand where to find what you need. In case of transistors, this link is quite handy too:

The Mudbunny board was laid out for 2N5088/9 transistors, so just follow the orientation on the PCB.

Regarding the wiring of the DC jack, always keep this as a reference: You'll see that the DC jack has two tabs for the 9V, one goes to an optional battery snap (and it's disconnected when you insert a DC plug), the other goes to the board. As you noticed, you cannot use them indifferently.

edit: as hoodoo pointed, beavis has a better explanation on the DC jack:


now I am having issues with the switch. I am going to take the easy way out and use a pcb for the switch.


I am still trying to get my Rams Head going. I followed the audio probe and found some issues and am looking for help.

I don't get any sound from the C14,D5, and very little from R24. Is this normal seeing it is the power ?

Then I get sound going into C13 but not out the other end that connects to the middle Volume pot, I tired to change that cap and it is the same problem. Then C15 has nothing in or out of it.

Please let me know if you can help.


Quote from: wretched on November 24, 2013, 10:45:42 PM
I am still trying to get my Rams Head going. I followed the audio probe and found some issues and am looking for help.

I don't get any sound from the C14,D5, and very little from R24. Is this normal seeing it is the power ?

Then I get sound going into C13 but not out the other end that connects to the middle Volume pot, I tired to change that cap and it is the same problem. Then C15 has nothing in or out of it.

Please let me know if you can help.

There is no audio signal in the power path so don't worry about probing C14,D5, etc

If you had sound at C13 this is good as it is the last cap in the audio signal chain. The cap connects to lug 3 of the volume pot and lug 2 is the final output. Start again with C13, then probe 0lug 3 of the vol pot, then lug 2. What ya hearing?


Still  nothing. I hear the sound on the right (red dot) but nothing on the left (black)

Could I try to connect the C13 right to the 3rd lug on the vol pot? Like bypass the c13 all together and bridge the "red dot" to the volume?
I don't get any sound from the volume pot lugs.


Do you have pots (or pot wires) soldered in all the pins. Hard to tell but it looks like you don't have any pots hooked up. Also how are you getting power and ground to the board?

When you say you get sound at one side of C13 is it the actual effect (fuzz) you are hearing or some other noise?


sorry that was just a picture to show what was getting sound. The board is fully populated. I get a fuzz sound on the on side and then nothing on the other.


Strange, but it worked. I bypassed the one hole and just connected the c13 cap directly to the volume pot and it worked.