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Switch looper

Started by nmbb, August 22, 2013, 05:57:29 PM

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Another build, using Arduino technology! Only the remote unit for now, after holidays it will be the relay unit. It was built from something I found on freestompbox dot com!

A picture of the assembled unit:



whoa cool, how do you connect the effects to the unit?


Hello. The unit where I'll connect the fx is a loop with 8 relays, controled by this unit. This remote unit could work in preset mode or in stompbox mode, where each switch turns on/off the fx. In preset, each switch is used to on/the correspoding fx and then i can store the settings, each time I press the preset it will turn fx as I programmed them.

The original thread was found here:


Jeeeez. That Is awesome!
I play Guitar, and Build Stuff..