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Biasing 15v Current Lover

Started by gingataff, August 10, 2013, 03:37:54 PM

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Just finished my 15v (road rage) current lover and I'm trying to get it biased.

The flange starts with the trimmer at about 1 o'clock and there's quite a lot of distortion. As I turn the trimmer fully clockwise the distortion is much less but still noticeable with hot humbuckers . Adjusting the clock doesn't help much with the distortion.

I'll get some voltages when after I've had some sleep but I'm wondering if socketing R12 and substituting it with 47k would give me some more room to play with?

PS it seems better with my voodoo labs pp2p than my one spot.


Does the flange disappear at both ends of the trimmer? If not then yes you could try lowering that value to get more range out of the trimmer.

However it is a bit the nature of the beast, BBD based effects and hot humbuckers are not friends, especially without companding.

If you had a scope you could bias the BBD a bit better, oh and the clock and bias do slightly interact.
Works at Lectric-FX


Thanks Scruffie.
Good to know this just may be the way it is.

No scope I'm afraid.
Would I be wasting my money with one of these or

The flange only disappears on one end so I think I'll try the socket.

I've found a setting that I'm pretty happy with, the only trouble I get is if I pick too hard.  Perhaps I should just roll the volume down a touch  ;D


Quote from: gingataff on August 10, 2013, 04:21:51 PM
Would I be wasting my money with one of these or

I would like to know this as well, looks like a mighty helpfull tool!

"If you can't stand the heat, stay away from the soldering iron!"


I have DSO Nano V3. I like it. I got it mainly to look at LFO's and that's the main thing I use it for. I have used its signal generator too and it's kinda useful.

Here's the big warning, the default UI is somewhat stupid. Many people find it difficult to use. I've pretty much figured it out and don't have much difficulty with it. One major issue with it is that it doesn't hold the data as it attempts to sync. This causes issues with it seeing what should be the trigger events for the sync and that in turn can make it slow to sync.

There is firmware called BenF that fixes the issues (it was made by a third party). But, it doesn't appear to work with version three of the Nano. So that is a pain. Both the shipped and the BenF firmware are open source. So, perhaps someone will fix the issue in the future. I've thought about looking to see if I could fix it, but just haven't had the time yet.

All that said, it's a useful tool but could actually be much better if the firmware issues are fixed.
Affiliations: Music Unfolding (, software based effects and Rockā€¢it Frog (, DIY effects (coming soon).