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Zap! Sparkplug

Started by warriorpoet, July 23, 2013, 03:08:07 PM

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Built this up with 1n695s as saturation diodes and external EQ.  Couldn't resist putting in one of Barry's buffered bypass boards from over at GuitarPCB ;)

Mzo.FX, Owner


All the colors are so vivid on that - inside and out!


Oh!  Forgot to mention I subbed OPA2134PA for the "recommended IC.  It was a tossup between the OPA2604AP and the OPA2134PA, but the 2134 had that little bit of extra transparency.  It's pretty easy to dial in all kids of tones with the external controls and the hi-fi chip.  Super-cool project.
Mzo.FX, Owner