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double flush "optic tremolo" with video demo in Portuguese... heehe

Started by gtangas, August 07, 2013, 02:18:21 PM

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Hi guys!

Holidays time!! But before i want to share another build!

project is a Double Flush "optic tremolo" No Mods and a lovely sound! I made this one for a friend guitar player that i order some parts to build one for me! I used a VTLC and not the diy led/ldr but on my build i´m planning using the diy version and compare some results

some photos!



And a video! But.... language Portuguese!!! Why not!!! hehehe


Great pedal! I'm curious about the difference between roll your own and manufactured ones.

Kind random but what are those Portuguese deep fried carrot balls called? One of my old friends mum was Portuguese and she made these every Christmas.  ::)
I build stuff for myself, sometimes I do 1 offs, I label them as HornBlende Audio.



A beautiful build inside and out, and great sounding as well...
I envy those who have the skills to build pedal without a store-bought board.
Is the top of the enclosure done with a decal ?



most of the pedals that i built so far are etch but there is a huge differences on a professional one 

I have here a harbinger one to build and.... there is no comparisons! But yes an etch pcb gives a different flavor to the build!

not a water slide decal but a vinyl sticker. I draw all my graphics in photoshop or on inkscape and print it on staples, the have a very strong vinyl that can handles very well the clear coat! 


Great build of a great pedal, I love my Double Flush too.

Also: spent two weeks in Portugal in May. The coffee! The bakeries! The landscape! The everything!



Quote from: gtangas on August 08, 2013, 08:24:29 AM

I'm from Lisbon. Beautiful city

I agree with that. I've been there as a child many times with my parents and I'm thinking about going back next year on vacation with my gf as she's never been to Portugal
'My favorite programming language is solder' - Bob Pease

Software Developer @


I leave cross the river, and this days I don't go to often to Lisbon. And that is great because every visit is hallways a touring visit hehhe


Very tidy mate, definitely harder, for me anyway, to get the wiring looking neat on an etched board versus a fabbed one and you've done a great job of that. Funny that coffee was mentioned, as i thought the swirl and colour of your decal reminded me of a nice coffee :)


Great job! I've got the Tubemeister 18 as well; how do you like yours? I really dig the breakup on the clean channel.


Quote from: meelertime on August 14, 2013, 03:22:49 AM
Great job! I've got the Tubemeister 18 as well; how do you like yours? I really dig the breakup on the clean channel.

The amp it self as an amazing sound. The power soak, self bias, 3channels and the red box makes it a very unique unit

But with pedals I think is a bit fuzzy.... I swap the Chinese tubes for jj on the pre and Mullard for the power.. It improve the overall sound but still fuzzy

I read on several fóruns that are a lot of people complaining about it. I send an email to hk asking for the schematic but.... The bastardos didn't gave me a copy

I read somewhere that maybe changing a bright cap solves the problem but without the schematic...

I bought it in second hand with the thoman warranty but now that I want to send it to warranty they say the warranty only works for the original buyer... Do you believe that!!

I Bought a few weeks ago also in second hand a harley benton ga15 for a stupid price... 60 euros :-) an all tube valve amp but with a lot of noise, a crap TMB it was loaded with a 10"greenback nice....

I bought a kit a guy in UK that regulates the heaters, two bias voices, a few changes on the TMB and my friend that think is amazing.... Loud as hell, super silence and a nice crank... It loves pedals

Im thinking on selling my tubemeister and buy an Egnater rebel 20... The tube mix option is amazing... Or maybe build an fender 5e3 humhum

But what about yours tubemeister? Fuzzy as well? All ready swap the tubes?


I haven't swapped the tubes yet but plan on doing it later. I find the effects loop to be a little lacking; I tried running my pod hd 500 through it using the 4 cable method (distortion to the pre, reverb to the power) and it sounds pretty bad. It feels like the effects loop starves the amp of power. I love the built in power soak though and rarely take it off of 1W. It pairs really well with the Vox V212NT cab.


Iap 1wt is very loud for home practicing... And the 18wt is more than enough for playing in a small bar :-)

I'm using a marshall 2061cx cab loaded with 2x12 greenback. I tried with V30 but fuzzy the same

On the effect loop I only use the reverb and delay and it's ok

The tube swap is a must do... That Chinese tubes... I put the two 12ax7 on the harley benton and one of them was with microfonic noise...

Let's see if I can get an Egnater :-)

Best regards