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IC voltages on the uproar ?

Started by Ang3lus, February 22, 2011, 06:36:49 PM

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can anyone measure their measurements and post please ?

getting low volume + almost no gain


Based on the schematic, pin 8 on both DIPs should be 9vdc, pin 4 0v. All the other pins on both DIPs should be around 4.5vdc. If you do the Facemelter mod and switch it on, pins 1, 2, and 3 on IC2 will drop to about 2.8vdc.


hmm, i see, thanks.

after measuring seems like all is fine.

cool, thanks, gonna look for more problems


sorry for the necro-thread...

Did you manage to find what was wrong with your build?

Mine, I had the same problem. then I am trying the jaymaze mod, but now I can't get any sound out of it: I mean NONE!

I checked for bridges, shorts, IC voltages... everything is OK.
The bypass is Ok too.

I am lost here...
