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Messages - cfrey

General Questions / Re: Kingslayer diode question
May 22, 2013, 03:03:01 PM
Glad I asked because I was leaning toward the other way!
General Questions / Kingslayer diode question
May 22, 2013, 02:27:48 PM
The doc's for D2 and D3 state: "I found BAT46 to work very nice here in either asymmetrical (two on one side, one on the other) or paired up (two in series on each side)"

When it says "two on one side" does that mean two soldered together in parallel (both pointing the same way) and somehow soldering one of the leads into the pcb holes? Or does it mean more like the second part, where they will get soldered in series?

Also, do the options here make a big enough sonic difference to where I should socket these 2 spots (subjective I know)?