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Messages - paultheoneyoulove

Open Discussion / Re: Introduction - So polite!
April 15, 2013, 04:41:57 PM
Juansolo! Hello :)

Just checked that link on your site and it's most helpful.  I also took a look at your builds and, boy oh boy, you do 'em good, don't you? Some of those multi effects you've managed are nothing short of incredible!

Open Discussion / Re: Introduction - So polite!
April 14, 2013, 05:01:28 PM
Awesome! I've gone mad - I've gone through my thoughts and ended up with 'sod it' and am going to try the multiplex by 1776.  It looks crazy - but the PCB is wonderfully clear and the instructions are great.  It will be one that I'll do over a long period of time, maybe a month or two.  Anyone have any experience with these?  Is there anything to watch out for in particular?  If you reckon I'm a bit silly, I'll heed advice and take the junior.

Thanks for the advice on parts! I've actually only found one place that does large enclosures in the UK, and it's £8.  Which isn't bad I suppose, as it'll probably be the last thing I get, but I was hoping for less... Moon on a stick, please!
Open Discussion / Re: Introduction - So polite!
April 14, 2013, 04:46:49 PM
Yeah, resistors I'm going to get a massive kit of 1% ones.  They are not expensive at all. 

Gah! So much choice.  I'll look into the noise boxes, but delay is definitely my primary need.  Once I've got a delay pedal, I'll be looking into a noise box.  I remember the Clari(not), though I'm not sure if they're still around.  They looked like a bit of fun.  The doombutter sounds crazy, so I'll check it out now ;-)

Open Discussion / Re: Introduction - So polite!
April 14, 2013, 04:17:21 PM
Okay, maybe I'll try the zero point.  So long as it works, I'll be happy!  It'll be a long term project - I don't have any resistors around right now (sadly) though I've got a few caps. Not many build-your-own delay kits around - I found a deep blue clone, but I don't know if I want to just clone a pedal that's already buyable!

Still, it'll all be fun.  The PCB's themselves are pretty cheap, which is neat :D

Any other relatively easy builds you can recommend that are 'interesting'?  By which I mean, I'm not amazingly fussed on OD, distortion or fuzz.  I would like a mental, silly noise box type thing, but they seem thin on the ground!
Open Discussion / Re: Introduction - So polite!
April 14, 2013, 01:38:09 PM
Thanks for the advice, I'll look into them!

The alternative build is the 1776 Multiplex Junior.  I don't think I'll really need modulation, though, and I'd like to try my hand at a tiny little thing :P
Open Discussion / Introduction - So polite!
April 14, 2013, 12:02:25 PM
Hello! I'm a regular n00b on the Musicradar forum, but thought I'd drop by over here.  

I've only built one pedal before, from a kit, and although being a birdsnest of wiring which works very well to pick up ambient noise, my axis fuzz clone works and sounds pretty cool!  However, I've no idea how it works, which makes me feel a bit like a cheater.  I'm hoping that by dropping in here, I can pick up more information to help me build pedals and (you never know!) eventually design my own.  

I suspect my first attempt from here will be the Cave Dweller, because I need a delay pedal and dark, ambient repeats sound cool. So I plan on getting the stuff for it soon, and then trying work through exactly what's happening to the signal step by step through the chain. Don't expect much :P

So, hello from the UK!

As an edit, where is the best place to be sourcing components from the UK?  My first thought was Maplins...