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Messages - Albertcarrera

Hi another time,

I've noticed that I was using a MN3101 with a V3205SD and that combination is not the perfect one. So I changed the MN3102 for a MN3102.

But I have a aquestion about the delay time. The Cool audio BBD can only provide 209ms of delay time (without clock noise), why the Aquapuss from Way Huge is able to provide 300ms?? They do a trick or something similar? In the demos froms youtube I can't hear any wine noise...

I think that this delay is better with the daugther board, then probably you can have 400ms of delay without any clock noise.

Quote from: madbean on April 11, 2013, 07:30:41 PM
Hi Albertcarrera,

Clock noise (whine) at max delay means you need to dial back your Clock trim. Set your delay pot fully clockwise. Turn the Clock trim counter-clockwise until the whine not audible. This will change your maximum delay amount so if you want a bit more delay, you may have to accept a little noise with it.

Thanks Madbean,

I saw these instructions in your PDF, but I thought that the repeat time of mine was not normal. But I'm sorry for ask you for help before reading another time the calibration instructions. Now I have short delay repeats but no wine sound. Problem solved.

Quote from: LaceSensor on April 12, 2013, 03:03:57 PM
I agree with teh Bean having built a few Aquapusses you can get rid of the clock noise with the max delay time trim pot (clock) and ensuring you have an accurate delay time potentiometer.

However, I actually liked a bit of the character of the longer delay times with a tad clock noise, seemed to be accurate to the vintage Way Huge Aqua pusses Ive heard demos of.

For the record I think the demo posted sounds really nice, bit of a dirt to the repeats but still very musical

Hi LaceSensor

I also prefer a long repeat time, especially when I want the delay to "get full the sound" when I'm doing  the chords and the melodies at the same time.

But the wine sound bothers me a lot, so I will adjust the clock without wine. Its a pitty that I can't put more than 250ms aproximately of delay without wine, but when I do some recordings I don't like this sound on the background, I also can hear any TV on, and I hate this high frecuency sound.  

I'm thinking about putting the Clock ajust in a potenciometer format outside the box.

Hi there!

I'm from Spain, so I will provably do a lot of mistakes, I'm sorry.

I build this Analog delay this month. You can check this picture of it.

I used de Cool audio version of the BBD. Now I have a lot of problems with the "wine" sound, like you where talking about.

First, I've got an osciloscope (a very cheap DSO nano v2), but when I prove the pins 1 and 7 of the BBD ( with a sine of 200Hz in the input) I cant saw any wave, so I tried to set the trimmers by ear.

Now I have some delay effect, a little bit dirty, but it works. And I can't isolate the clock noise. With the cancel trimmer I can reduce a little bit the volume of the wine, but when I play some notes I cames back with the delay sound. Also, if I put a low delay time using the Clock trimmer the wine dosn't sound until I put the delay pot at long time.

I have to set the clock at minium possible?? Change the value of the Cancel trimmer??

You can hear in this demo that the wine enters at 1:40...


I will be very gratefull if somebody knows of to eliminate the wine noise!

Thank you too much!