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Messages - gtg975n

Found this searching for DIY effects using a BeagleBone Black. Lots of interesting articles relevant to pedals & amp building. Enjoy!
General Questions / Re: EH 22 Caliber or 44 Magnum
March 24, 2012, 02:22:13 AM
Cool, I wasn't aware of this.  Hmmm....
General Questions / EH 22 Caliber or 44 Magnum
March 23, 2012, 05:53:46 PM
Has anyone used a FatPants / Rump Roast / Sunking or some other pedal as a preamp into either of these ElectroHarmonix poweramps?  I have a 1x12 cab with a G12H30 anniversary and I'm wondering if combined with a 22 caliber would make a decent practice amp.  Some users complain that it has an annoying hiss.
Tech Help - Projects Page / Re: Rump Roast problem
March 12, 2012, 02:15:52 PM
I took a look again at the board next to the schematic and realized that R7 & C9 weren't making a good connection with ground.  Re-soldered these connections and it works now ;D Thanks for the help.  Seems like the builds that give me the most trouble are the ones I learn the most from.
Tech Help - Projects Page / Re: Rump Roast problem
March 10, 2012, 10:56:25 PM
Thanks for the tip, mine are socketed as well.  I tested the three leads of Q2 and they're all connected to the circuit.  I'm still stumped.
Tech Help - Projects Page / Rump Roast problem
March 10, 2012, 05:36:18 PM
I'm having an issue getting any sound (besides noise) out of an etched Rump Roast board that I purchased from Madbean.  I've triple checked the wiring, solder joints and orientation of components.  Q1 biases correctly to 4.5V at the drain.  However, the drain of Q2 is at 9.5V and doesn't move when I turn the trimmer (T2).  Any thoughts as to what would cause this problem?  I didn't substitute any parts (using J201s) and I checked all the values of the resistors & caps with a DMM before soldering them on the board. 

Thank you in advance!
Open Discussion / Re: Creation Audio Labs
November 27, 2011, 07:04:54 PM
Thanks for your insights fellas.  I've heard nothing but good things about these guys.
Open Discussion / Creation Audio Labs
November 26, 2011, 05:28:05 PM
Is anyone using a Redeemer Circuit?  I'm considering installing one in my Strat.

Also, has anyone tried a Holy Fire?  It uses a 48V PS  :o
Tech Help - Projects Page / Re: Dirt Bag Parts?
November 04, 2011, 02:19:02 AM
I bought and tested two MN3005s from this seller on Ebay:

YMMV, but these ones are the real deal; each has ~300ms delay time and can run at 15V.  I read on another forum that they're pulled from old karaoke machines.  Good luck!
Have you tried stacking other boosts/overdrives with the Yellow Shark?  I think that's where it really shines.  One of my favorite lead tones is pre-boosting the Yellow Shark with a Neutrino (set to low-gain).  For rhythm I'm using a Yellow Shark post-boosted by a Fat Pants with the bridge pickup (using a Strat).  Reminiscent of Brad Paisley.
Open Discussion / Re: Cool old MXR stock on ebay
August 02, 2011, 05:10:45 PM
Has anyone tested mn3005s from here?  Are they the real mccoy? 
Build Reports / Re: Reiterator Analog Delay
June 27, 2011, 03:37:09 PM
I see, I haven't heard of those before.  I also noticed you used other madbeanpedals in the demo, which I really appreciate.  Were those before or after the Aquaboy (CE-2, Zendrive, Klon)?  Did you ever run into any issues with not having enough headroom using it together with other pedals (I assume the Aquaboy is running at 9V)?
Build Reports / Re: Reiterator Analog Delay
June 25, 2011, 06:04:07 PM
That's one fantastic sounding pedal.  What do the two smaller PCBs at the bottom do?
I found that there was little difference between 47n/68n and 22n to my ears with the fat knob maxed.  Ended up using a 3-way toggle for 100n and 22n.  100n sounds very similar to no cap at all, but puts more bass in than 22n.  I like the 100n for Fender amps (blue jr/hotrod deluxe).  I've been leaving mine on all the time in the effects loop w/ the fat knob at max and boosting the volume just above unity gain.  Sounds sweet!   
Tech Help - Projects Page / Fatpants trimpot
March 10, 2011, 03:09:54 PM
Would someone with experience building a FatPants give their advice on how they set the 50k trimpot (T1)?  I have mine currently set by ear to where the volume was the loudest.  This wasn't all the way in one direction at a max or a min value, but about a third of the way in the clockwise direction.  Is there a more quantitative way of setting it (i.e. measuring the drain voltage of the transistor)?  Thanks!