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Messages - menamestom

Tech Help - Projects Page / krankasaurus Volume
June 29, 2012, 03:47:56 PM

I'm just wondering how I can reduce the volume on my krankasaurus.  I'd like unity gain to be around 12 noon on the Volume and gain but at present with the gain between 12 and 3 o'clock the volume has to be right at the start of it's travel otherwise I get masses of volume boost.  The usable travel on the volume pot is very small so I guess I need to swap the 100k volume pot for a different value.

Which value volume pot would reduce the output to make the travel more useful?
Requests / Re: Vox AC30 amplug
April 20, 2011, 03:34:01 PM

It doesn't have to be either.  I'd pay a bit more for a more robust case and better headroom and it could be quite a bit bigger in pedal form....
Requests / Vox AC30 amplug
April 20, 2011, 11:16:08 AM

Okay, sounds like an odd request but these sound really good, the only problem being noise and not enough clean volume.

So I'm thinking if one could be cloned with proper components (as opposed to the surface mount in the real thing) it woukld sound pretty good.  It would be in a small hammond enclosure with a normal jack input and output plus a headphone out.  It would be wired so a footswitch could have it bypassed or have the effect to the jack output and headphone amp. 

It could be used in these ways:-

Mounted on pedalboard, as a silent practise tool, just plug your headphones into the headphone out and have access to all your effects silently.

Mounted on pedalboard, main output to PA, for emulated amp tones if your amp breaks down

To your amp, as an AC30 flavoured stompbox (it could have an extra output without the speaker simulation)

Obviously you could just get a pocket pod or the like but it would be nice to have an analog option in a case that can always be mounted to your board and take 9v power
Build Reports / Re: Fatpants and Krank
March 28, 2011, 09:30:40 AM

A bit of Hank's not bad now and again ;)

I wasn't planning to do anymore but I seem to have a spare enclosure, so what else can I do?  And there's no point in ordering just one board so I may as well order 3.  Looks like I'll be around here for a while :)
Build Reports / Fatpants and Krank
March 27, 2011, 09:08:02 AM

My first 2 madbean builds.  Rushed the finishes a bit but I need the pedals on my board quick as I have no boost and drive so sound a bit like Hank Marvin at the mo...

Also on a tight budget so the paint is what I had left over from installing mobile phone masts, new masts ususally come with a can of touch up spray so the Fatpants is Goose Grey and the Krank Telegraph pole brown (with some silver Hammerite speckle on).

They both sound great but I've caught the bug and planning the next ones already :)

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General Questions / Re: Fatpants or SHO
March 03, 2011, 01:08:46 PM

Well I've just finished my Fatpants which is my first madbean build and first of 3 boards which I ordered at the same time (the others being the Glitterratti and Krankosaurus).

First impressions are very good, it worked perfectly from the off and is dead quiet in instantly likable through my PRRI.  The fat control is good for thickening up the sound a little and the pedal has a good range from louder and brighter or louder and fuller depending on the 2 controls.  With FAT on low and Vol on high a bit of harshness does creep in but the sweetspots are not hard to dial in....

I've put the internal trim pot to max and with the controls on full you get a very light od almost, very handy
General Questions / Re: Quick cap question
February 25, 2011, 01:57:34 PM

That kit looks great, only problem would be if you needed it to read the caps in the kit!

I've checked on the WIMA website and can't find anything.  I'll drop them a line.

I do wonder why this has to be so hard when they could just write the value on the side.....
General Questions / Quick cap question
February 24, 2011, 10:52:38 PM

I have a load of capacitors I've ordered and some WIMA ones have µ1k250 on them, what value are they?

By process of elimination I'm hoping they are 100n / 0.1µ but I can't think how that would end up as µ1k250.
They are the orange square ones.  I'm presuming the 250 is voltage rating and µ1k is the value....
General Questions / Re: Glitterrattii queries
January 26, 2011, 07:38:00 PM

Ah, okay.

Thanks a lot :)
General Questions / Glitterrattii queries
January 26, 2011, 05:58:20 PM

I've ordered my Glitterrattii board and just ordering the components and have a few questions.

I'm wondering what caps to order, basically the non electrolytic ones.  I presume it will be the film ones from the list here....

But there seem to be a lot of options and I wonder if they will all fit.  i.e. will all the box ones be the correct size for the board?

Also, D3 is stated as a 1n4005 but musikding only has 1n4004 or 1n4007.  Will either of those be okay?

General Questions / Favorite Overdrive Poll
January 13, 2011, 12:11:03 PM

I know it's all about personal taste but just for a laugh I wondered what peoples favorite OD pedal was.
General Questions / Re: Fatpants or SHO
January 12, 2011, 09:58:19 PM

Thanks for the replies, that's very helpful.  Interesting to see the difference of opinion.
I'm not sure if I want a coloured or perfectly clean boost really.  I guess if it's a colour I like I'll go with it....

I think building all 3 is the best option, I mean they all look fairly simple so FWIW I may as well try all 3 and see what works best.  I have a PRRI and a 36 watter so I could even end up using a different boost with each amp.

General Questions / Fatpants or SHO
January 12, 2011, 09:09:58 AM

Hi, new to the forum here, taking the next step graduating from kits to hopefully ordering some madbean boards soon.

I'm going to build boost in the same box as an overdrive.  The overdrive will be the BB Preamp clone but I've not settled on the boost.

Any opinions on the differences between the Fatpants and SHO?
I've had a look through the forum and can't see much info on the FAT control of the fat pants, does it enable you to get a bit of grit at lower volumes?

I did a youtube search of fatpants but it just came up with lots of people with fat pants!
