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Messages - westerton

Tech Help - Projects Page / Re: Cave Dweller problems
January 27, 2014, 06:34:47 PM
Yeah thanks for your help.

I havent decided 100% just yet which reverb. Im going to be using it for bass however.
Right now, I've sort of taken a liking to the Box of Hall.

Do you have any recommended reverbs that work well with bass?
Tech Help - Projects Page / Re: Cave Dweller problems
January 27, 2014, 05:49:57 PM
I looked at the 2 side by side and they do look relatively similar, just minimal differences and flipped.
All in all, the same concept from what I can see.
Tech Help - Projects Page / Re: Cave Dweller problems
January 27, 2014, 04:48:57 PM
I'm going to give this a shot and see what happens!
I'll use a toggle 3PDT switch as the "switcher" and then on the 2 effect stomps, bridge the bottom left and middle lugs for ground, then wire the individual effect LEDs off the upper left lug as usual.

Sound right?
Tech Help - Projects Page / Re: Cave Dweller problems
January 27, 2014, 03:40:25 PM
Thanks, me too!
I'm liking it so far, haven't been able to box it yet but I do plan on combining it with a reverb as well and add a momentary infinite repeat switch.

Would you suggest putting the delay before or after a reverb?
Also any additional mods you can suggest?

After looking at some other madbean entries I've already socketed and switched out C3, R1 and C1 to mess around with.
I'm still rather new at building, so any suggestions would be great!

Tech Help - Projects Page / Re: Cave Dweller problems
January 27, 2014, 07:21:32 AM
Thankfully that's all it was! Whew..
Stepping away for a day to refresh my head may have helped as well.

I didn't see it at first, but finally noticed that I wasent supposed to use a pin on the IC. I bent that puppy up and it fixed the problem! Sounds real nice.

On to the next project!
Tech Help - Projects Page / Cave Dweller problems
January 26, 2014, 08:53:06 AM
Im new to the Madbean forums and I need a little help.
I recently built a Cave Dweller following the below vero layout but followed Madbeans part list.

It seems that I am only getting any type of delay/oscillation capabilities is when I have the Time knob turned all the way DOWN, and only then is where I am able to adjust the Echo and Dwell to hear any changes in the sound at all (which it usually ends up spiraling out of control if i dont dial them down a little).
If i try to turn up the Time knob at all, any delay/oscillation happening stops immediately and then I get nothing after that.

Now I want to mention:

  • R11, I ran 2 - 10k in parallel to get 5k because I do not have a 5.1k resistor. (This 5.1k resistor runs directly to the Time knob.)
  • Also R6, I have 2 - 1k resistors in series to get 2k.
  • R1 - I have a 680k in place because i dont have any 750k
  • Socketed C3 and have a 3.3n in there
The combined resistors both measured out correctly before i put them in.
Would any of these changes have anything to do with the issues im having?

Any help / info would be greatly appreciated, thanks!