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Messages - bradberry00

hope this is cool, I frankensteined the schematic you posted with the Darkside buffers/power.

think this would give me the cornish buffers?

I am just curious about the mojo these things have, i may make one bufferless and one with buffers to see what is best.

Do you think the additional power filtering (i think that is whats going on with the extra components in the power section) like the darkside is necessary?

do you think the buffers really make much difference in sound?
If possible this would be awesome
General Questions / Cornish P2 workalike possibility???
February 12, 2013, 09:30:23 PM
Hello All,

First post. I'm going to try to start off with a bang.

So it is said that the Cornish P2 is basically a Rams Head Big Muff with flat mids and the cornish buffers. So my question is if I add all of the buffer sections from the Darkside ( to the Mudbunny built to Rams head specs and put a 10n cap in c10, do you think I would be in the ball park for a P2 workalike?
