I've exercised regularly for years but never made much consistent headway with weight loss... Last summer I started working for an agency that helps farmers be better environmental stewards. The work includes working at a lot of concentrated animal feed operations or CAFO's. The conditions the animals lived in combined with the environmental impact of their production, and the impact of eating the products of that process on my health was enough to finally drive me to go vegan. I was considering just going vegetarian until I worked at a couple mega-dairies and that broke me of my commitment to cheese... It was a bit of an adjustment at first but I got used to it. It forced me to cook more, eat out less, and eat less processed food. I've continued to work out about 5 days a week, mostly running, and I've managed to drop weight and keep it off like never before.
As far as meat goes, I don't have much of a problem with wild game as long as it's sustainably hunted. I used to farm and raise my own animals on a small scale, kill, and butcher them. I do think that small scale production can be a better life for the animals and a lesser impact on the environment as well as better quality/healthier meat. I have decided for simplicity's sake to just not eat animal products (except small production honey). I am seeing and feeling the health benefits of going vegan so I'll just stick with it. It's also nice to know that my actions and ethics are finally aligned on the issue after many years of wrestling with whether or not to eat meat. Good luck and health to you and I hope your efforts are successful!
As far as meat goes, I don't have much of a problem with wild game as long as it's sustainably hunted. I used to farm and raise my own animals on a small scale, kill, and butcher them. I do think that small scale production can be a better life for the animals and a lesser impact on the environment as well as better quality/healthier meat. I have decided for simplicity's sake to just not eat animal products (except small production honey). I am seeing and feeling the health benefits of going vegan so I'll just stick with it. It's also nice to know that my actions and ethics are finally aligned on the issue after many years of wrestling with whether or not to eat meat. Good luck and health to you and I hope your efforts are successful!