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Messages - Rip57

Build Reports / Re: Overhaulin'
August 02, 2014, 09:53:36 PM
Plum Crazy!
Build Reports / Re: Zen
July 15, 2013, 11:14:11 PM
Beautiful etch and overall just, well, amazing.
Glad you like it, guys. I'm still learning here and it's encouraging to hear from you seasoned veterans.

But you know, I'm even happier that my nephew likes it. He's a good kid and guitar is his thing. He digs the fact that he's got a pedal named after him!

Ditto all the props everyone else has given you. The precision dial is perfectly offset by the grunge look. This is one classy build.
Jimi Lee, what he didn't tell you is that red shag carpet is the back of his Chevy Van!

Nice build, man.
Yow! Those are beautiful builds.
My Green Bean build, the KTOM Valve Howler. I took the idea of dip-switching the Fat and Bright mods from another forum member, whose post I can't find right now - but thanks bud, you saved me some real estate up front! I used 1N914's for both symmetrical and asymmetric diodes. It sounds "OK" on my solid state amp but I really need to fix the Marshall tube amp to find out what I've got.

Actually I made two of these. One for myself and one for KTOM's namesake, my nephew Keith Thomas. I gave him one a couple of weeks back and he digs it!

I may have also gotten him interested in pedal building - we'll see.

Build Reports / Re: Sonic Stomp - First MB build
June 28, 2013, 01:24:52 AM
Hey man, nothing wrong with the distressed look! Think Rat Rods. As long as you like what's inside and it gives you the sound you want, it's all good.
Build Reports / Re: UglyFace + LFO
June 28, 2013, 01:18:02 AM
That is SO CLEAN!
ZP is truly a "Mystifying Oracle". Nice job on both.

So... enviro. It looks like your first experience went pretty darn well. What's your take on it?
Build Reports / Re: Rotten Komp from Grindy
June 10, 2013, 02:43:25 AM
Badass fractals!
Build Reports / Re: Face FortyFive (smoothie)
June 10, 2013, 02:27:54 AM
Nice job. I did a Smoothie in a B box as well. It was hard enough getting everything soldered in, much less trying to fit it in a miniature enclosure. I envy those with the vision and the eye/hand coordination to do so.

Anyway, I love the graphics. How do you like the sound?
Build Reports / Re: My 3rd Pedal - The Jellyfish
June 10, 2013, 02:19:31 AM
Nice graphics! Is that decal or sticker or ... ?
That Boob Tube is a thing of beauty. I want one. Actually, two.
Build Reports / Re: Chunk Chunk of Death
June 10, 2013, 02:11:56 AM
Good pedals make good friends.
