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Messages - jp1390

Open Discussion / Re: EE approach to designing pedals
January 26, 2013, 07:39:58 AM
Quote from: culturejam on January 26, 2013, 06:27:20 AM
Welcome! It's good to have an EE on board.   :)

The "pros" that sell a lot of the boutique pedals often have a rather negative view of EEs in general. And it's mostly because EEs *know* that many of the claims made in the marketing are total horseshit.  :D

I'm sure many of us will be interested to pick your brain on why certain things work they way they do.

Thanks! I will try my best to keep up!
Open Discussion / Re: EE approach to designing pedals
January 26, 2013, 06:02:31 AM
Thank you for the kind words and advice.

The work that I am putting in to these projects is pretty much for myself. Not trying to make a gig out of this. Purely curiosity and an inner passion to create something using the bits of knowledge that I have gained here and there, both technical and non-technical.

I feel like it will be a battle between what sounds right and the math checking out for me, but I will fight it to the bitter end! It all comes down to a healthy balance.

Open Discussion / EE approach to designing pedals
January 25, 2013, 04:41:16 AM
Hi all, new here.

I have an electrical engineering background (currently finishing up school) and I guess that sort of mentality has stayed with me for designing projects. I am really interested in guitar effects and I am starting to dive a bit deeper into design.

When it comes to audio, what is heard definitely attributes to effects are designed and I am slowly getting a better ear for this stuff, but it is a steep curve considering my background.

I am wondering if anyone is either in the same boat as myself, have been, or is on the other side of the spectrum and has less of a technical background but a good ear for designing.

How do you approach a new design?
