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Messages - madboy

Build Reports / Re: 4kR (madbean runt)
June 01, 2014, 01:41:00 AM
Sweet! I built the Runt a little while ago, and socketed the diodes, but I haven't tried it with LEDs yet. Would you recommend it?
Boss TU-2 (I've heard the TU-3 is a little noisier... anyone?), Boss NS-2 noise suppressor, Boss trem (I will build a trem to replace this) and a DD-3. I had hoped to replace the delay with a cave dweller, but it's just way too dark, especially with distortion. Oh, and a Crybaby. The other 11 pedals on my board are all diy... with a few more coming up soon, hopefully!
Hey all. As stated previously, it sounds as though I am losing a fair amount of treble. I have read that the repeats are often fairly dark, but with any sort of overdrive or distortion, it is very muffled. I have tried reducing C3, and even R1 to 680k, but to no avail. With all the controls down, even the straight signal sounds muffled. I appear to have misplaced my circuit tracer (I will make a new one in the morning) but does anyone have any insight into possible reasons this might be? Aside from that, it works as it should. Thanks in advance for any advice...
Build Reports / Re: Little rat b@stard
April 14, 2014, 10:38:34 PM
I just painted the rat as a mask, etched, and removed the mask. Painted the whole thing, and a light sanding removed the paint over the rat. And I managed to chip the paint before I even finished the pedal! I might look into the envirotex method...
Build Reports / Little rat b@stard
April 13, 2014, 08:51:06 PM

Stock Runt. First time posting, and first reverse etch. This little guy sounds awesome!