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Thanks for the help guys.
Gonna take a look at the schematic and figure out how to put in the elec caps.
And I have one 1n34a, only missing another one. Isn't there anything that I could replace it with? I have plenty of LED's lying around, couldn't using a 1n34a and a LED work?
Hey guys, so I recently ordered myself a KingSlayer board from madbean. I began working on it the second I got it, but I ran into two problems.
A. I accidentally ordered electrolytic caps instead of film caps which were supposed to be 1uF. Can I just use the electrolytic ones in their place or would that cause problems due to their polarity/not work at all?
B. One of the 1n34a diodes that I ordered came broken in the mail :(
So do you guys know if using elec caps in place of film ones is possible?
Do you guys also know of a store that sells parts like these? I really don't feel like ordering online again and having to pay shipping and handling for only 3 parts. I already checked radioshack, but they didn't have those parts.
Thanks for any help in advance, it's greatly appreciated! 
General Questions / Different objects as enclosurs?
January 16, 2013, 01:43:49 AM
So I just finished my Collosalus build and it sounds fantastic but doesn't look all that great since I used a simple Hammond 1590bb. I don't have the materials needed to make decals so I was thinking of using creative objects as enclosures to add some life and originality to my pedals. Different containers come to mind, I really want to try and put a pedal into a hollowed out CD drive haha. I was wondering if that's safe to do or can cause problems, I don't see why not. Thanks for any help.
Sorry about replying so late, but thank you so much for your help. Ended up ordering more than half of the parts from Tayda and saving myself a lot of dollars haha. I finished the soldering, except for the LT1054 because the guy at smallbearelec sent me the wrong IC. Now I'm stuck with the wrong IC and no collosalus haha. But I'm going to do the switch wiring in the meantime. Thanks again for the help!
Hey everyone!
So, I just ordered myself the Collosalus PCB and was about to go order parts when I realized I was not sure which type to use. I done a lot of work with electronics in the past, but that was usually with PC and other electronics so I have no clue what works best for audio electronics. So what type of caps should I use? Lower and higher values are obviously ceramic and electrolytic but what do I use for the nF values? My guess would be film, but when I went over to smallbearelec there are tons of different film caps and when I looked the at build photo I noticed they were different from other film caps I've seen before. They're rectangular and yellow, heres the photo.
So which caps should I use? Can I find them on smallbearelec?
And the resistors, I've heard that metal film are best but I see that theres a mix of them in the photo.
No questions of diodes, transistors or the ICs but wow is the MN3007 expensive!
6mm trimpots right? The guide didn't say size, a link to the one used in the photo would be fantastic.
Pots should be 16mm? Not sure which ones are right.
Links to recommended parts would be fantastic.
Also, do the ICs have to be socketed? I don't see why the need to be. And cap22? I'm fine with de-sautering it should I need to change it.
And the enclosure, 1590B or 1590BB?
Thanks to you all for any help in advance. Looking forward to building this pedal and enjoying it!