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Messages - Wirehead

Hey guys,

I can't thank you guys enough, you have given me not only ideas but hope as well that I will get my Dig Dug build going.  I am pretty tenacious;I won't give up until it works.  You guys have given me a lot to go on so I appreciate it. I will build a test rig for sure and begin debugging.  If after a week or two i cant get anywhere, i know where i will coming for help.  Thanks for making me feel so welcome...

Hey now!

My name is Steve and I am new to this forum.  Just a little about me:  i play bass, drums and the Chapman Stick and have only recently taken an interest in pedal building, but I have every intension to learn everything I can.  I have built a few pedals and have a good grasp on soldering and reading schematics. 

I have two questions, one regarding the test board mentioned in the post about rules for getting help and the other about effective troubleshooting and a guide to establish a framework for those times when you plug in and nothing happens. 

First, is there somewhere on this forum that I can find what I need to build a test station?  I don't totally understand what to do to there.

Next, beyond checking for solder bridges, correct component values, reflowing joints etc are there any other staples of troubleshooting that I am missing?

Thanks and pardon my noobness.....
