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Messages - zaxza

Mods / Sequencer mod?
September 06, 2010, 10:10:19 PM
I was thinking how using the sequence part of the dig dug would be an interesting way of controlling an effect as a standalone expression pedal replacement. I'm not sure how easy it would be to change it but looking at the original dig dug .pdf i thought that if you were to get rid of the random section and the wah section you'd essentially be left with a sequencer.
So, if you wanted to control a single pot of a pedal e.g. a drive pot in a distortion pedal how would you go about it?
Could you simply wire up the FX3 on the sequencer board to to where the drive pots 1st lug would be? It's all above me at the moment, as i'm still trying to understand how the circuit works. I'm not totally sure if i've explained exactly what i mean. It's just an idea i've been thinking of for a while and i've been trying to do some research into it. thanks for any advice and explanation.
Requests / EHX Freeze
August 30, 2010, 01:30:45 PM
I really like this pedal, i think it could have some very interesting mods. I also recently saw a pedal called the Z.Cat Delay/hold, which had the option of delay with tap tempo and chorus aswell. I'm not sure how easy it would be, but i think it would be very interesting.
got mine, just need a new soldering iron and i'm ready to go!!
I'm no expert but this might help, can someone confirm this?

I think this should reduce the pot value to 50k
had mine, can't wait.
havn't had mine yet, soon hopefully
Build Reports / Re: Fat Pants
May 21, 2010, 12:37:45 AM
tell me about it lol. women eh, can't live with them can't live without them. A bit drunk at the moment, but still can't help checking out the forum.
Actually don't worry about it found one.
I'll post it here in case it can be helpful to others. The green labels are modifications to make it slightly less bassy apparently, I'll give it a go and let you know hoe it went.
Open Discussion / Russian Big Muff (black one)
May 15, 2010, 06:01:09 PM
Hi, I just received a pcb for this version of the big muff. All the components are attached apart from the off board ones. I think it the person I got it from tried to mount it to their guitar internally.

Does anyone know where I can find a layout for it so i can wire up the pots and re-house it. I have the big muff NYC but used to have the black Russian one which i did prefer. So i am eager to get this fixed. I Also might have a go at some mods while i'm there.

I have a question about ICs. What does the BE on the end of the code mean? Ive tried looking it up but couldn't find anything explaining it. I found a CD4017BE, the component list requires a CD4017 does this difference matter?
Quote from: scdesigns on May 06, 2010, 10:12:38 PM
I've always had problems with the maplin sockets, if you've got an ebay account i would recommend Faith Healers pedal supply (UK based). Their store is at I use their 2.1mm jacks, L shaped fully exposed jack is Ground, Mid is battery snap and top is your 9v to board.

They are quite big jacks, i measured them at around about 11mm hole diameter (i drill a 12mm , little wiggle).

This is the sellers youtube he's an avid collector of effects and a bit of a diy'er to.

I have been looking for a supplier like this for ages, i've acually seen loads of his videos before. Thanks
I will definitely try out some simple build first. I'm quite confident with my soldering skills as I did a years worth of electronics in university however i only turned up to a few theory lectures (which i regret). I basically soldered circuits from layouts and got a 77% grade for the whole year.
I do appreciate your concerns as I am not experienced with the theory.

I'm thinking of trying a booster first.
Thanks again.
Thanks for the help. Ye It's just something for me to do over the next 4 months I am thinking of trying a simpler clone first with this as my goal, just trying to get all the parts ready so i can buy in bulk. I was thinking of using a slightly bigger enclosure to make my life a bit easier. Thanks again
Hi there, I'm quite new to this kind of stuff, i have only built effects loop pedals before. I have been incredibly interested in the Dig Dug for the past week now and have decided to give it a go. I've got everything i need but wanted to make sure i get the right capacitors as I'm not experienced with them.

I'm guessing C1, C9, C10 and C14 are Electrolytic. Are C2, C3, C4, C5, C6, C7, C8, C11 and C15 Polyester Film. And I'm not sure what C13 is, does it matter what type to get. I read somewhere that the polyester Film ones are used for filters so I'm guessing some of them need to be these ones.

I'm sorry if I'm not clear as I'm quite new to this however everything else on the .pdf is clear to me. I may buy the PCB as I haven't made on before.

I'm from the U.K. so some of things may be a bit different for me, but any help would be greatly appreciated.