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Messages - vicovibe

Ground? The instructions say the pinpot is CBE. Is that from the top or bottom?
I am trying to verify the pinout for the transistors on the Hipster board. If you are looking at the board from the front and the transistors are on the left side. Is the collector on the top or bottom?
I am looking for someone to etch a basic one sided board for me. Do we have a member that does this here. I am a bit in a hurry for a board I have art for.

OK guys I am worthless and weak. I have tried everything to get the effect level up only to fail. Do you guys know anyone with experience with this board that I could send this to and have it fixed?
Yes sir I sure did and that is  great idea to check the again thanks
I built a Pork Barrel a few months ago and it has low effect level. Has anyone experienced this issue? I am sure it is an incorrect component I installed. The pedal sounds beautiful but even with the level full up the effect is not very loud. I adjusted the trim pot many times and I feel that it set correctly. Any help would be appreciated.

Build Reports / Re: Angel (Pork Barrel)
November 15, 2012, 05:49:19 PM
Very nice build and I love the graphics.