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Messages - QuatroMule

Thanks a lot!  I sincerely appreciate the assistance!
Yes!  I definitely want independently controlled pedals.  That actually seems like its the opposite of how it should be???  That's weird, it sounds like you have actually done the 2 independent pedals in 1 enclosure before?  If they are wired in series like that, can they both be on together? And would u recommend 2 inputs and 2 outputs?  I actually considered that, but it seems a little much and I don't change the order of my compressors anyway??? (I may sell the pedal to my bandmate also...)
Gotcha. Thanks.  I'm thinking the input and output will be the same?  Wires from each board to same legs of jacks?
Hello, the rangemaster turned out great, so to everyone who helped with their response, thanks a lot.  My current project is to have one enclosure with both a Ross comp and a squeezer in it.  Initially I was going to give them both individual inputs and outputs, but I position them roughly the same on my pedalboard, so I would like to put one input, one output and one power supply and battery option.  I'm assuming that the wiring for the inputs and outputs would be fairly self explanatory, but does anyone know where I could glance at a layout of a dual pedal sharing the same power supply?  Thanks in advance for y'all's assistance.
So does the black -9V lead go to the 4.7K resistor instead of the PCB "-9V"?  Thanks in advance for any help.  I'm also gonna try to add a 9v adapter.  I'm using Voodoo labs isolated power.
For some reason I'm completely unable to post a pic of the schematic or anything else for that matter.  I'm getting an error message stating the file is too large?  One of the resistors states it goes in the R5 spot, but the madbean resistor doesn't have an R5?  I'm lost
Hello I just got my parts in to start my first build.  The madbean rangemaster and I already have a question....  I ordered the OC44 from small bear and the transistor came with 2 resistors that have the values written on a small pierce of paper stating (I think) that if I use these resistors, the transistor should be biased correctly ??? Am i correct on this? and exactly where do the resistors go on the madbean PCB? 
Open Discussion / Re: A/B/Y box build....?
April 18, 2013, 03:58:49 PM
Thank y'all! More than enough for a place to start!
Open Discussion / Re: A/B/Y box build....?
April 17, 2013, 02:01:52 AM
Did I do something or say something wrong on this post?  I've had absolutely no responses at all?  Any assistance is appreciated...
Open Discussion / A/B/Y box build....?
April 15, 2013, 08:13:33 PM
Does anyone know where to find some plans for a really good quality A/B/Y box build?  Looking for something quiet with LEDs and affordable to build (I'm not sure if a good box is supposed to have an independent transformer or not???) but I want one that is top notch because it will be getting gigged very frequently.  I would do the transformer build if I needed to also.
General Questions / Re: First build questions...
April 15, 2013, 12:24:44 AM
Oh yeah, Mr.Jimilee, I'm pretty sure u have assisted me with another project on a different forum in the past.  I appreciate you brother!  What size enclosure would I want for a dual comp pedal, the engineers thumb and the cupcake?  Also, what's the best approach to start learning how to transfer the labels and cool pics onto my pedal enclosures like I see in the pictures.  Nothing even that fancy, just something that looks professional?
General Questions / Re: First build questions...
April 14, 2013, 10:29:11 PM
Gotcha, so how do u know whether to get logarithmic taper or not? (On the pots)
General Questions / Re: First build questions...
April 14, 2013, 09:01:23 PM
I'm also having some difficulty finding certain caps and resistors, and I end up grabbing the first thing with the appropriate value that I can find.  This being said, some of the descriptions don't always say "electrolytic". I hope my builds still turn out.  I'm trying to go ahead and get all the stuff for the 2 comps and the rangemaster to save on shipping, as recommended above.  I certainly appreciate you guys helping me.
General Questions / Re: First build questions...
April 14, 2013, 08:56:47 PM
I've learned so much just from this short conversation.  A general question; so is say a 2.4m ohm resistor the same as 2k7?
General Questions / Re: First build questions...
April 14, 2013, 07:33:46 PM
Do y'all think tantalum caps will sound good in the 47uf slots.  Also, I'm trying to figure out the "5n" thing too