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Messages - Mark0614

Build Reports / Re: Tonebender MKI
July 02, 2021, 01:20:59 AM
Thanks for your assistance. I appreciate it.


Open Discussion / Love Mad Bean front face decals!
July 02, 2021, 01:19:21 AM
Finishing off the case  has always been the most difficult part of the build for me so being able to buy a decal for the case I'm going to use saves me a lot of time and gives me the professional result that I'm looking for.

I look forward to buying boards and Decals. Thanks for bringing this out I really appreciate it.


So you have tried the  1K Lin pot I assume, I found the C taper was pretty limited range wise. I will give the lin pot a try and see if that works for me.



I built a Ge MK 2 Bender on a Mad Bean board. As you'd expect it's a great board to work with and better than other boards I've used in the past.

The thing that gets me is the circuit info called out for a reverse log 1K pot. The pedals sounds very nice, but the gain control only does stacks of fuzz and even more Fuzz.

I can't but help think the reverse taper pot is a typo and it should be a linear pot at very least.

What are your thoughts and experiences with the Tonebender MK 2?


Build Reports / Re: Tonebender MKI
June 25, 2021, 03:47:02 AM
I have a Mark 2 Bender complete and a Mark 1 and Mark 3 in progress. I have used Small Bear Ge transistor sets for the Mark 2 and it worked great. I have a set of Small Bear Ge transistors for the Mark 3.

The problem I have is finding the right transistors for the Mark 1 board. I do have some AC-128 transistors, but I don't know the gain and minimum leakage required to get good results from the Mark 1 circuit.

What do you advise?

How did you do the art work on your pedal?



There is a Mad Bean doc with all the versions listed. It sounds like it bread board job, before construction.
I have built a Muff with 2N3904's which have a gain of 100 and it sounded good. Have you tried the Creamy Dreamer?
How did the various Muff pedals stack up?


How did the various Muff pedals stack up?


Tech Help - Projects Page / Re: Deadringer 2 FET question
September 14, 2020, 11:05:04 AM
I bit the bullet and put the IRF510 FETs in. They sound better than the 2N7000's.


Tech Help - Projects Page / Re: Deadringer 2 FET question
September 02, 2020, 12:42:50 PM
Thanks for your reply and help. I'm wondering would it really be worth replacing the 2N7000 with IRF510 given that it will cost about $10 as I can't buy just two.

I find the 2N7000 to be a bit muffled and prefer the LED's for that reason.


Tech Help - Projects Page / Re: Deadringer 2 FET question
September 01, 2020, 10:23:32 AM
Is anyone looking at this forum at all?

During the COVID19 I have been going through old projects. I have been working on my Deadringer 2.

I originally built the Deadringer 2 using the IRF510 FETs (for clipping) but changed to the 2N7000 as the IRF510 wouldn't fit in my enclosure. I have now a larger enclosure and can accommodate the IRF510, is it worth replacing the 2N7000 with the IRF510?

Is there a noticeable sonic difference?

During the whole process I decided to run the effect of 18v instead of 9v (via the Road Rage pcb). I think the Deadringer sounds more articulate with 18v, though I could be mistaken as the battery I was using initially was only good for 7v.


Tech Help - Projects Page / Re: Deadringer 2 caps?
July 04, 2017, 11:04:32 AM
Thanks for your reply, I appreciate that.

I tried 100v box caps and the 270nF cap was huge. The other box caps worked out okay. I dare say I'll leave these caps till last. I want to use a road rage to provide 18VDC to the DR2.



Tech Help - Projects Page / Deadringer 2 caps?
July 03, 2017, 07:17:41 PM
What caps are used for C5,C6,C7 & C8?

They are small positions for relatively large caps.

Thanks for your help.

