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Messages - Rethfing

Quote from: Rethfing on March 05, 2014, 05:56:38 PM


Dunno if its in the clipping section, im not too good schematic reader. Im aware that these may not be official schematics but I hope they are based on such.

I swapped the germaniun 1n34a for regular 1n4148 and the difference is huge, the pedal now sounds very nice. Dont have normal 1n34a in stock now so I cant try it, but I might just leave it the way it is now.


Dunno if its in the clipping section, im not too good schematic reader.

I swapped the germaniun 1n34a for regular 1n4148 and the difference is huge, the pedal now sounds very nice. Dont have normal 1n34a in stock now so I cant try it, but I might just leave it the way it is now.
I see that in the schematics for v4 and v3 there is also 1n4148 diode which is not included in MadBeans Ego Driver. Dont know what to do about that.
If you say, that the switch adds leds then I should be ok with the diodes I have. Im just going to change the germanium diode to regular one and see if that helps to get better tone.
Hey madbeaners!

Some time ago I built Ego Driver as a Fulltone OCD copy. I used:
germaniun 1n34a for D1
red 5mm LED for D3 and D4
I also have switch wired up, but not sure what it does. Does it switch on D1 along with D3 and D4 which are active all the time?

My main question is what diodes I should use to make my copy sound exactly like Fulltone OCD. Here is the demo I made in the past:
(there are also Krankasaurus and BB Preamp demos from MadBeanPedals if you like to hear them).
The sound is just too fuzzy, not accurate, how can I improve that? Is it because of the germanium diode? If I use regular 1n34a will it be fine?

Build Reports / Re: Karate shop! Pictures + Demo!
February 21, 2013, 06:13:03 PM
I think you're right! Thanks :)
Build Reports / Karate shop! Pictures + Demo!
February 21, 2013, 04:44:49 PM
Hey! I just want to show my Karate Shop I built about a month ago. Its a great effect, deffinitely worth building! So far its most interesting stompbox I made.

And here's the demo using Karate Shop and SansAmp GT-2 from tonepad (this thing is a beast). I recorded this demo using Samson C01-U USB condenser mic and Crate FW15R. It sounds pretty good to my ears even though very cheap recording equipment. The video is made of mp3 in which I used two recorded tracks panned 100% L&R + simple drum beat and photos showing the actual Karate Shop setting.

Hope you like it! There is also a demo of my DIY Pedalboard on my channel, you can view it too if you dont mind listening to some Polish (for the first 4:40 minutes though).
No its not noisy at all and I have tested it without enclosure. Its really a simple built, few elements, but the result is amazing. I just cant wait to drill enclosure and put it in :)
Damn this thing is great! On near max Process and Contour in half it gives amazing acoustic feel on clean channel of my CHEAP Crate FW15R. It now sounds almost tube. On distortion it does great job un-mudding the amp. This baby is awesome, its gonna get boxed for sure. Im feared of what it will do on my Peavey Bandit!

Thanks a lot Brian for this great project and for your help, will definitely stay here for long :)
You mean IC3 (I wrote IC2 twice). Thanks for that, I looked at the dot on the IC which is in the back of the IC :)

About those resistors... Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn! How could I miss that? I must have wrong value written on my 220k resistor bag + Im obviously blind. Well thanks for that Brian and sorry for my noobism. Im going to correct that tomorrow (we live in different time zones and its already 10pm here!) and see if it works. Thanks again!
Sure thing! Here are the voltages, they seem OK to me:
IC1 - TL072:
1. 4.04
2. 4.04
3. 3.69
4. 0
5. 4.04
6. 4.04
7. 4.08
8. 8.23

IC2 - TL071
1. 0.14
2. 4.04
3. 4.04
4. 0
5. 0.15
6. 4.04
7. 8.23
8. 0

IC3 - TL074
1. 4.04
2. 4.04
3. 4.04
4. 0
5. 4.04
6. 4.04
7. 4.04
8. 4.04
9. 4.04
10. 4.01
11. 8.23
12. 4.00
13. 4.10
14. 4.04

Here are the photos:

Finally found some way to make good photos with cheap camera :)
Hope that helps!
Still nothing :(
Thanks for the PM.
Can I increase the input resistor? Will it cause lower signal to go through the circuit? I would rather decrease the volume at the beggining (so it wont distort) than at the output.
Unfortunately the pot is fine, I just desoldered it and checked it with my multimeter (black wire to the 2nd lug, red to 1 or 3 along with twisting the knob - it shows proper values). Well im going to check the board with MM to see if there's any connection I cant see, but first im going to clean it with alcohol.

No no, I said 47nF in the first place, not 47uF :) But by mistake I have soldered 4.7nF instead of 47nF suggested by you in your first post. It sounds good though.

About this distortion - its like Tube Screamer distortion on the front of the note as you said. Its about 0.5s long. I had this problem with Deep Blue Delay too, but it was partially solved by folks from DIYStompboxes (here: I guess I can live with that.

The only thing that bothers me is volume boost. There MUST be some way to decrease it. I really hate when my pedals boost volume, because playing in a band requires me to play at specified volume. I cant allow myself to boost volume when I turn my delay on, its just undesired.

Few weeks ago I built Bloviator circuit (I etched my own PCB). It worked from the beggining, but I noticed that turning Contour pot doesnt affect sound at all. May this be because its responsible for low frequencies?

I checked my soldering - its great (it was very easy, PCB I made looks nice and clean).
I checked my parts very carefully - they are all fine.
Wiring - just jacks, pots and power - nothing to be wrong here since the circuit works.
I used sockets for ICs.

Any clues?