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Messages - zapme

Open Discussion / Re: Digitech Whammy True Bypass
April 11, 2014, 04:16:50 AM
yup i checked the wondering if there is a resistor or cap leaking some clean signal to ground somehow but i can't find a schematic anywhere.
Open Discussion / Re: Digitech Whammy True Bypass
April 11, 2014, 03:29:51 AM
i followed the instruction exactly cutting those traces. 
Open Discussion / Re: Digitech Whammy True Bypass
April 11, 2014, 03:13:37 AM
Yup ive tried numerous guitar cables and two switches....i think im going to have to cut more traces on the input and output jacks.  They are trs.  I can plug a cable into the pedal and use a multimeter connected to the tip of the cable and touch the ground connector and it has common signal between all 6 connection points on both input and output jacks.  I don't get it.  I might just have to suffer with it or add an external true bypass looper on my board which sucks because that pedal already is stealing a lot of room.
Open Discussion / Digitech Whammy True Bypass
April 10, 2014, 10:45:12 PM
I'm trying to convert my whammy to true bypass switching....the bypass is horrible.

I followed this guide but i am loosing signal some how.  I can setup a dirty amp and plug directly into the amp and have great gain then i plug into the pedal and loose probably around 30% gain.  I used my multimeter to check that the traces have been completely cut and that is not the issue.  Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Mods / Whammy True Bypass Mod
April 10, 2014, 02:11:37 AM
I'm trying to convert my whammy to true bypass switching....the bypass is horrible.

I followed this guide but i am loosing signal some how.  I can setup a dirty amp and plug directly into the amp and have great gain then i plug into the pedal and loose probably around 30% gain.  I used my multimeter to check that the traces have been completely cut and that is not the issue.  Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Open Discussion / Jhs angry Charlie vs mi audio cruch box
February 14, 2014, 06:46:38 PM
Does anyone know of the the specific tweaks that jhs did on the crunch box to create the angry Charlie?

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I went back to radioshack and pickup the switches.  Thanks for the clarification that the solder lug switches would work.
well after looking on tayda they only have through hole solder tabs, no pcb mount ughhh,

Is this what i need? Its a bit pricy but the only one i've found.
Thanks for the tips guys.  I checked radio shack today but had no luck. Looks like online purchase is in order.
I'm trying to find DPDT On/On PCB Mount Toggle Switches with the right spacing to mount to the board.  I ordered the wrong ones from mammoth.  :(  Anyone know where to find these? Thanks
Thanks for the advice.  i tried the jumper, it dropped the volume way too much.  I settled on a 5k resistor for R7.  Would be cool to put a volume pot in, i might have to do that in the future.
I have built the bloviator II and is working great.  What resistor values can i modify to make the pedal unity gain.  My plan was to use it in the fx loop but it is boosting the signal too much and causing the power section in the amp to clip slightly.
Thanks for the love everyone.  I hope to have a totally stocked board of hand built pedals soon, getting tired of the boss pedals still lingering on my board.  :)
Build Reports / First Builds: Hipster and La Vache
April 26, 2013, 10:22:42 PM
These are my first madbean builds.  Most the things i have done in the past have just been modding pedals.  So i started with the Hipster and La Vanche.  My next build is going to be the Harbinger One so i thought some warm up builds were in order. 

With the Hipster i went with a 2n2369a in Q1 and a 2n222a in Q1 and changed the value of R4 to 1k.  I squeezed in 16mm alpha pots. It has tons of output.  Thinking about adding an external bias control in the future. 

The La Vanche build was the first one i attempted. As you can see by the upside down pcb lol  :D.  But it still sounds great.  I used a 2n5088 for now i am going to try to locate a 2n3565.  I named this one "Time Machine".  All i want to play are older songs when i have this pedal on.  I had this pedal turned on my entire last gig. 

I will try recording a demo soon.
thanks for the recommendations