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Messages - sp3k

Open Discussion / Re: DIY Minimoog!
May 11, 2015, 03:54:51 PM
this is really awesome! I'll definitively buy a board when finances allow it
Audio/Video Demos / Re: Modular Demo
April 06, 2015, 02:02:25 PM
Really cool videos!!! I have been wanting to start a modular for years, the problem is stuff is just a bit to expensive. Haven't really looked into diy modular stuff too much, an links or suggestions you can give me?
Build Reports / Re: Drowning Reverb
October 14, 2014, 09:55:33 AM
Looks really good! One question, when the ring is one max is there any dry signal?
Open Discussion / Re: splitter pedal
April 14, 2014, 06:43:58 PM
I think I'll just use veroboard, I've done lots of veroboard pedals, and for such a small thing I think is not worth spending the extra cash on a pcb.

So one buffer for each output, or just an input buffer?
Open Discussion / Re: splitter pedal
April 14, 2014, 04:50:30 PM
do you think adding a klone buffer to the input would be enough so it doesn't suck so much?
Open Discussion / splitter pedal
April 14, 2014, 04:31:00 PM
Hi! A friend asked me to build him a tiny splitter pedal (1 in 2 outs). He pays in a 2 piece band, he splits his signal to a guitar and a bass amp. He doesn't want a switch or anything, even prefers if it can be passive.

Do you think a simple passive wiring with no components (just jacks and wire) will work fine? should I put a buffer on the thing?
General Questions / Re: painting enclosures
January 13, 2014, 04:21:55 PM
Thanks for all the comments!

After watching this video, , I don't really know if spraying is the best way for me, seems to take SO much time and it really looks like you have really careful. It just seams like I would have to do a lot of them before getting a good finish...
Powder coating on the other hand looks easier and less time consuming.
Do any of you guys buy the stuff you need for powder coating online in Europe?

Thanks again, I know I don't post much, but I'm a major lurker around here and this has became by far my favorite diy forum!
General Questions / Re: painting enclosures
January 13, 2014, 04:00:03 PM
So, after posting, I realized I hadn't search the first place I should, youtube  :-[

I found this video, , I think he's a member here. For now Powder coating it's not for me, I think my dad has most of the equipment (he used to have a metal shop), but I would hate to have to go all the way over there every time I need to paint, I'm that lazy... Buying the stuff it's not in the picture, for now... I might try to paint one or two one these days.

I'm going to try and spray paint a few enclosures. It seams easy and not that messy.
I found this video, , that made it a lot more clear for me. One doubt I have, if I don't want an enclosure white, do I just first paint it white, to prime it, and then put a color on top of that?

I'm guessing I can't get those cool sparkle finishes with spray, yes?

Thanks for the help guys!   

General Questions / painting enclosures
January 13, 2014, 03:28:11 PM
So, I've never painted an enclosure before, and I want my pedals to start looking a bit more pro, so this seams the way to go.

I tried to find guides online, but had no luck. Do you guys have some links for me? I know I can just spray paint them with those car sprays, is powder coating a different method? are there others?
Open Discussion / Re: hot rod deluxe v peavey classic 30
December 22, 2013, 11:10:23 PM
It really depends on the pedals. I've never used a classic 30, but  had a hot rod for my main amp for years, it takes overdrives like a champ, but not all fuzzs sound go on it. It also doesn't like muffs. For muffs you need a really clean amp, and at band levels, the hot rod is not really clean, specially with humbuckers.
Tech Help - Projects Page / Re: RUNT
July 02, 2013, 10:39:20 PM
So, I've undid all the mods, it's stock now. If checked all the the components 4 times now. I've got a transistor and an ic from a factory rat that is working properly and the dam thing still has lower gain then it's suppose to. I've even switch some 16v cabs for 20 something v...

The only thing I can see being wrong, is if I had a bag of caps with the wrong labeling, but that seams to far fetch.

Any ideas?
Tech Help - Projects Page / RUNT
July 01, 2013, 03:14:53 AM
I built a runt, it works like it is supposed to, except the gain doesn't go has high has it should, it goes to a bit more then half on a normal rat.

I reheated all the solder joints, tried a different ic and transistor, checked all the values, and I'm still not having any luck...

I  modded the circuit like a slow loris, and every mod works great. I didn't had the extra C to the circuit, that the slow loris seams to have, but I think it's just a power filter thing, so I doubt it's that...

Do you guys think I might have a bad batch of ICs? What should I try?
General Questions / Re: extra cap on slow loris
April 03, 2013, 04:49:48 PM
I asked about the C13 because the rat schematic I found online doesn't have it!

The pot between c5 and r5 is a mod I think I already saw some time ago. fuzzrocious pedals sells a modded rat (, I suspect the clipping knobs are just the normal sweeps mod and another one in between r5 and c5.
The other mods on that pedal seam cool to, I might try to do them. Do you guys have any idea what two points to connect on the circuit to give a cool feedback effect?
General Questions / extra cap on slow loris
April 03, 2013, 02:25:26 AM
I noticed there's an extra cap (C13) on the slow loris, compared to the runt, and to the schematics online. Does anyone know why?

also, putting an 1kB pot between C5 and R5 would give me another sweep control right? 
I used all greenies for a multiplex, anything higher then 68n is to big and will make the job ugly, but they will fit... still haven't tested the board thought