Left side of board is the Fender Volume pedal. Top L-R - First Aid Kit(Sonic Stomp), Thunderpuss(Clean Boost), Southern Tremolo(Modded EA), Boss GE-7 Equalizer,^behind^ BBE Orange Squeeze - Building a MoRC Compressor to replace it, Low Rider(Double Octave Down), Bottom Row L-R - Dun-Delay(Cave Dweller), SoftFx(Pork Barrel AKA CE-2 chorus), The Langerham(Current Lover Flanger), Smoothie(Phase 45), Boss DS-1 w/ Keeley Tube Drive Mod., StringBean(Aka GreenBean, Greenie, TS808, Well moddified!) And off the right side of the board lies a MI Audio Blues Pro and a Red Llama clones boxed together and a two button switch box for my Classic 30 amp. Riding on the back of the board is a secondary power supply( A very cheap one) allowing me up to 14 9Vdc outputs plus 4 18Vdc outputs, also riding on the back is my Samson UHF Wireless.
Missing the Double-Flush tremolo. Didn't really fit my style to it came off the board in favor of the EA Tremolo.
I currently have 7 more pedals in the works. ShoNuff v2 distortion, Zero Point SDX delay, another EA tremelo, Cupcake compressor, MoRC compressor, TODD overdrive, and a Kingslayer overdrive. By the way I am SICK of ODs and Distortions! Also finishing up a SWAW autowah.
My next board, that I really need to start building soon, will have Remote switching for rack mounted effects, lights, built in Microphone mount, personal monitor, and some type of computer mounting system, Ipad or Mobile PC.