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Messages - Kunfuz

Build Reports / Re: Build #57 - Bazz Rat
May 12, 2016, 08:09:39 AM
Thanks guys! :)
Build Reports / Build #57 - Bazz Rat
May 11, 2016, 10:59:56 AM
So I populated a second Runt-board and put it in my already wired enclosure and this time it worked!
A madbean runt, built for a bassplayer who's got this obsession about minipedals.

My first Rat-circuit ever, will prolly build one for myself if I salvage my fail-board.

Open Discussion / Second fail ever
April 28, 2016, 09:30:25 AM

So this was supposed to be build #57.
My first proper minibuild, a rat/Runt from madbean.
All wired up and ready, I connected the power.
Sound in bypass, completely silent while on.

Took out my multimeter and measured voltages.
9V enters the diode, 0V goes past it.

Hmm, must be a dud, so Instead of switching it out I just solder in a jumper.
Still no sound and the LED isn't glowing.
I then inspect my wiring of the new to me, mini-DC-jack.
Reversed +/-, so that's why I got 0V out of the PROTECTION diode  ;D ;D

Of course I killed the metal can IC, all of the electros and more.
Started to replace electros, then got stuck with the third (C11).
Got mad at my own stupidity, and just cut the whole effing board out.

Now I'm waiting for a second Runt-pcb, and another shipment of components.
Always trust the diode folks
Build Reports / Build #56 - Nekro Stomp
March 21, 2016, 12:17:48 PM
aion Lumin built for my old friend Alexis, who now plays second guitar in IXXI.

Build Reports / Build #55 - IXXI Muff
March 18, 2016, 01:21:15 PM
Yet another bass-tuned Muff from GGG.
This time it's for the bassplayer in the Black Metal band IXXI, here in Stockholm.

Build Reports / Re: SuperNature proto
March 03, 2016, 08:06:50 AM
PCB porn, yes! ;D
Build Reports / Re: The paint pen series (pic heavy)
February 23, 2016, 08:13:46 AM
Man, you've been busy! :)
Excellent and inspiring build, thanks for sharing!!
Build Reports / Build #54 - P/2
February 10, 2016, 12:17:53 PM
I'm back after a year of hell.
This is a GGG tuned for bass muff for the new bassplayer in Obrero. First build in a year or so.

Build Reports / Re: Build #53 - Stone of Doom
November 03, 2014, 08:10:38 AM
Thanks guys, and sorry, no demo for this one, cuz I stuck it on my Obrero-board last night at rehearsal.
It is however ultra-doomy despite being around 250-300 hfe, and more detailed then the one I built with hi-gain BC549C  ;D
The DC jack is a snap in type I received ages ago in a parts lot.
Build Reports / Build #53 - Stone of Doom
October 31, 2014, 11:58:44 AM
Another Ultra Stoner, this time with low gain BC549B transistors, built for myself for a change.
This will end up on my Obrero-board inplace of my Swollen Pickle mkII.

Yes, very well done!  :)
And what are the four diodes with a yellow stripe??
Build Reports / Re: Build #52 - Tight Chugger
October 30, 2014, 08:10:23 AM
And willybomb is the winner of movie-knowledge!!
Well chuck, I actually almost had to wire in the tight C100K pot, cuz I received a C10K instead from musikding.
Turned out C10K worked out cuz I like the tight low anyhow haha!
Thanks guys, will try to do a mouser cart with 1/8w resistors today, and when I verify that I will share the board.
And you can go ahead and share the board anyway chuckbuick, I just changed the value of the 5.1V zeners from smd to TH, and added my name and thank chuckbuick :)
Build Reports / Build #52 - Tight Chugger
October 29, 2014, 03:19:01 PM
Holy chuckbuick, it works!! :twisted:
This is an Amptweaker Tight Metal, with an added Gate-knob, built on chuckbuicks board for 1/8 resistors, I used 1/4 cause I love teepees.
Added a 7660S charge pump on vero to give it 18V of death.
This sounds freakin awesome, everything from creamy leads to deathmetal in this one.
Will replace my metalmuff on my metalboard for my band Talion, and I will use it for leads in Obrero too!
Thank you so much again chuckbuick :D
Will record demo later this week!

Bonuspoints if you recognise the movie poster  ;D
Build Reports / Re: Build #51 - Ultra Alfa Stoner
October 27, 2014, 06:54:25 AM
So nice to have you back Graham! ;D