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Messages - sodapep

Thanks! Is the difference only there on multiple repeats, or can you tell the difference with just one repeat?
You know... the 4 way tone filters that alter the sound at different frequencies to emulate different delay mediums and sounds?
General Questions / Zero Point SDX Tone Question
June 18, 2013, 02:58:23 PM
I've been thinking about the SDX and how awesome the tone control is (can't wait to hear it when I build it). Great job on the design, madbean. I have a question to those who've built it - does the tone setting have much of an affect on the first (or first few) repeat? If you have a simple slap back, can you hear the difference between settings or is it more of a cumulative difference once the signal has been sent through the filter on multiple feedbacks?

Mods / Re: Changing Dirtbag LFO
July 27, 2012, 03:56:10 PM
Quote from: madbean on July 27, 2012, 01:21:15 PM
The easiest thing you could do is replace R53 with a pot for a speed control. Use a 1MC. Wire lug3 to one pad of R53. Solder a resistor between lugs 2 and 1 (4k7 should do it) then wire lug1 to the other pad of R53. The resistor sets the maximum speed of the LFO.

That's kind of what I figured, it seemed similar to some other LFO's that are around. Thanks!

A thought - since the modulation control isn't just a variable resistance to ground, perhaps two LDR's could be used in place of the pot in series with their junction being the output (pin2) of the 'pot'. Then have two LED's set for alternating brightness flash on one of the  LDRs each.
Mods / Re: Changing Dirtbag LFO
July 27, 2012, 03:55:17 PM
Quote from: LaceSensor on July 27, 2012, 12:02:09 PM
The Chorus / Vibe switch changes caps, maybe you can add a rotary for more caps / different ranges of modualtions as a quick change?

Good call. I was thinking about using a blend pot to blend the two caps together and possibly using more extreme cap values to get further mod reaches on either end of the pot.
Mods / Changing Dirtbag LFO
July 26, 2012, 10:53:24 PM
Hello all

Just bought some Dirtbag PCB's to mess around with. I was wondering if it was possible to swap out LFO's in the circuit. My thought was to replace the modulation pot with an LDR and wire up a different LFO circuit with various wave forms and other controls like speed and depth, rather than just mix.

Any thoughts? Thank you!