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Messages - skullservant

I just built up a Dub edition and encountered the same problem of it sucking out all of the low mids and bass from the signal, even with the mix all the way down. Wondering if there is somewhere in the signal path that is cutting the bass/not letting all frequencies in that swapping a few caps around would help
Would love to see the results after its finished!
Ah! Sorry, still trying to get used to format of the forum!  :-[

Thank you both for the kind words!
So I was given the opportunity to transform a stock Sovtek 6 screw Big Muff into a true monster.

It was requested to beef up and replace all the capacitors in the muff, true bypass it, add a tone bypass, mids switch, and oscillation. I made the oscillation tunable, added a pregain knob to clean up some of the hair, made the mids a 3 way switch between stock, boosted, and flat. Replaced all the wires, and added LEDs for each stomp switch (left is tone bypass, right is oscillation, center is engage. Oh, and I replaced the caps to Green Muff specs. So it really turned into a beast.

Replacing the caps was definitely hardest, or, should I say pulling the old ones was the hardest. I pulled up two traces on the PCB, but managed to secure them in place with extra solder and flux to the point where they are extra stable.

The mids switch was actually a lot more responsive than I would have thought it would be. I actually really enjoy it with boosted mids, it doesn't loose too much of the Muff sound either!

Here are some pictures, I'll get some better ones tonight once I get home:

Great first builds! Very clean
Build Reports / Re: A few of my builds, hello!
August 05, 2012, 04:06:07 AM
Yeah I'll have to try that-

I got the Runt together but its got an extremely low output volume. Going to go back over all of my joints and see if that was the issue. I took the clean blend circuit out of the Rat so I could use it to finish up the Cavedweller Deluxe I was working on, but I plan on hopefully getting the Runt back to 100% by the end of this upcoming week.

In the meantime, here's what I was up to today:

Cavedweller Deluxe- 2 selectable delay times with bicolor LED. Clean blend. Momentary Oscillation.


Also got a lot of the initial wiring of this giant fuzz done, just need to get board standoffs and I can wire the rest of it up

Finally, got all the holes drilled and the hardware mounted for this Mega Muff I'm working on revamping.

I guess that's enough work to show after 9 hours of work. I would have liked to have finished the big fuzz today as well, but you know how that goes.
Build Reports / Re: A few of my builds, hello!
August 03, 2012, 08:00:28 PM
Oh cool! Checking it out now
Requests / Re: Mid Fi Pitch Pirate
August 01, 2012, 03:59:06 PM
Oh darn.  :-[

Sorry about that, I totally got confused.  :-\
Build Reports / Re: A few of my builds, hello!
August 01, 2012, 01:52:32 PM
Oh cool! I'll have to look into it and the schematic he's using and possibly a board just to try it out. They're definitely fun little toys. I like making them with speakers in them so I can take them out and show them to friends and have them play them!
Build Reports / Re: A few of my builds, hello!
August 01, 2012, 01:17:37 PM
Thanks to both of you!

I think the theremin would benefit from going through a pickup simulator to go from line level to instrument level. Sometimes it gets a little unbearably loud, but totally cool and spacy with delay!

And TN- it was funny, I went to do a demo of the Tap Tempo Tremolo over the weekend, and I was listing each knob, and it was HILARIOUS. Rate, Depth, uh... erm... BLEND
Requests / Re: Mid Fi Pitch Pirate
August 01, 2012, 01:15:32 PM
Tagboard Effects has a vero of it. Just ordered parts myself!  ;D
Open Discussion / Re: First Names - we all got em.
August 01, 2012, 03:01:32 AM
First name is Charles, but I've never gone by that. Middle name is Evan, and that's what I go by!
Build Reports / Re: A few of my builds, hello!
August 01, 2012, 02:58:03 AM
Quote from: icecycle66 on July 31, 2012, 07:13:46 PM
"Working on a bass-friendly RAT"

You have my attention.

What other bass friendly pedals do you have?

This is my first adventure into the 'bass friendly' world, although I would really like to venture more into it. I think RATs sound SO good on bass, and the clean blend would not only allow me to keep a lot of low end, but allow me to also blend different fuzzes into it and retain their characteristics well!

Quote from: njkke on July 31, 2012, 11:01:13 PM
I'm really interested in your theremin... where did you buy the pcb? project?

I breadboarded it from this schematic and then added my own mods to it as I went:

Quote from: madbean on August 01, 2012, 12:24:36 AM
Great stuff here! I really like how you went the extra mile on these builds and put in your own ideas. That's what it's all about. The Orange Drop Muff is pretty wicked.

Thanks Brian!! It means a lot. The Orange Drop Muff sounded killer, although I think I could have increased the output capacitor, it wasn't nearly as loud as my original Sovtek Civil War, but I did have to fudge some values to get them pretty close with what Mammoth had at the time

Quote from: guycapuano on August 01, 2012, 02:18:43 AM
Wow some very cool stuff here!

Thank you very much  ;D
Mods / Re: Bypassable Blend Control?
August 01, 2012, 02:53:09 AM
Thank you very much! I will definitely look into this. I appreciate it!
Build Reports / Re: A few of my builds, hello!
July 31, 2012, 02:56:46 PM
Working on a bass-friendly RAT (from the RUNT PCB) for my bass board. It'll be a total of 6 knobs- volume, pregain, gain, cut, blend, and the Ruetz mod. (Adding the pregain knob because I totally ordered a 6 knob enclosure from Mammoth instead of a 5 knob. DOH)

Here's the populated boards. Was a bit of a dummy and didn't order a radial cap for the 1uf cap for whatever reason.