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Messages - Victor

Never mind...

Just thought to look here :

Quite the debate, but answered my question...

Thanks !
In general what's the best cap to use polypropylene or polyester ? Or does it really matter ?

I got WIMA polyester, but then I noticed that there were polypropylene as well...

Thanks !
Thanks for the replies... I kinda knew about the IC's and have socketed them, as Steve suggested. I just wanted to make see if there were any other components that I needed to pay special attention too

Thanks again
Thanks for all the help so far... I actually got started today. Not much done, but taking my time.

One more general question...

What components are I most likely to fry if they get too hot ?

Thanks again !
Tech Help - Projects Page / Aristocrat / General help
December 30, 2010, 11:08:02 PM
Just received my Aristocrat and most of the parts and ready to get started... but a couple of questions.

I know how to solder, but I've never soldered on a board this small.... any tips ?

And is there any particular order in populating the board ? Is there any one way that is better/easier than the other or should I just go for it ?

Thanks !
