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Messages - pappasmurfsharem

Quote from: madbean on September 13, 2016, 10:03:58 AM
It's possible, but you would need to disconnect things. The entire LFO would need to be nixed (everything between R32 and R37) as well as R38 and the Delay pot. Connect the Tapatation as normal to pin6 of the PT2399. So, you won't have the normal DMM type modulation available in that case but you will have the modulation available from the Taptation.

I get the feeling this would kill some of what makes the Dirtbaby/DMM great, no? To be honest I can't say I would really use the LFO functions. I just like the sound of the delay, but I'm not sure if that LFO section plays into that sound.
Looking at the schematic I'm thinking that's a no :(
Any reason the Taptation couldn't be use with the dirt baby?


Build Reports / Re: Tommy
May 04, 2014, 04:26:40 PM

Someone used my board!
I have a few people interested in PCBs overseas.

Calculating the shipping to the Netherlands from the US is $29 for a small 4oz package. Just for shipping.

I can actually place the PCB order at OSHPark for them, and they will get 3 boards for cheaper than the shipping costs alone.

Is there a better way?
I have reasonable results from a sterling audio ST55.

It's the replacement for groove tubes gt55

Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using Tapatalk 2

Open Discussion / Re: CE Distribution enclosures
September 06, 2013, 02:39:33 AM
Searched to see if they had another hard to find cheaply part and this is what it says.....

Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using Tapatalk 2

General Questions / Where art thou fishhead?
November 29, 2012, 06:46:52 PM
I remember a post from Sir Bean in August stating that the fishhead would be complete in two months. I've chewed through my finger nails, past the knuckles and now am nearly to the wrists.

Porque (the pig) no fishhead!?
Is there a way to make the HoneyDripper controlled by an expression pedal? Basically like a wah withthe rotary acting like a Q knob. To get those cool vowel sounds
Quote from: midwayfair on July 30, 2012, 02:10:42 PM
Technically this is a solved problem, but what I don't understand is WHY.

Project: Mysterioso this time, though it could be any box with plastic jacks.

Substitutions, etc: Not really relevant here, but the mids boost was on a foot switch.

Problem: Ran into a VERY peculiar issue. I built and boxed a Mysterioso and used plastic jacks, and I was getting some buzzing whenever I touched the box. Sounded like something wasn't grounded properly, or maybe something was grounding that shouldn't, so I opened it up and clamped one of my multimeter probes to the case and went over the entire board and every single lug of the switches, jacks, etc ... nothing. Well now I'm more than just a little curious ... why was my body causing any sound change when there was no contact of any sort between the circuit and the box?

Anyway, after poking and prodding a bit, and noticing that the issue "solved" itself when I touched my guitar strings at the same time, I decided that this particular box just really, really wanted to be grounded. So I ran a little wire to the enclosure and it completely solved the issue.

Nevertheless ... wtf.

Now I'm wondering, should I open up all my mini boxes and ground all the cases? They ALL use plastic jacks. And though I've never encountered anything like this in the past, maybe there's some sort of benefit to doing it?

I did realize while typing this that the layout involved running a ground wire along 75% of the perimeter of the box, and that the ground rail on the perf was most of the remaining 25% of the box, so maybe this had something to do with it, and that would be a lot more antenna than exists in a 1590A ground scheme.

I'm quite the noob when is comes to this, but did you also ground the sleeve on your Output jack? Since a plastic jack doesn't ground with the enclosure
the chorus works fantastically, The led works too, it just seems a little off. I don't have the pedal here to double check. but I'm fairly certain everything was correct as I tripled checked before soldering,

the only difference would be the 22K attached from the right side of R39 to the LED as per your instructions I'll try to put up a video to show what I mean.
EDIT: I originally typed this on my phone, so I edited for autocorrect issues.

Just completed my pork barrel.

I can't fully test it on an amp but I plugged it into my itouch and used the Jamup app (amp simulator).

It sounded pretty good, but the LED doesn't blink at a constant rate with the chorus, instead kind of pulsates in an up up down, up up down fashion. The video I saw on YouTube it has a constant flash speed based on the rate pot position. Is that normal?

Also when both knobs are fairly high it has a fairly garbled detune sound (yes a chorus is basically a "detune" effect but when the knobs are high it's fairly ugly sounding) would that be a result of using the cool audio IC's?

I can however turn the rate max and lower the depth and it sounds nice, the opposite is also true if I max the depth but turn the rate down.

Actually I am American.

my alias = Pappa Smurfs Harem.

As in Pappa Smurf from the Smurfs. and his Harem (smurfette) ..... it is a very small harem

Using google translate I'm sure it would work it would probably mount the same. So as you said, modify it if need be.
That indeed looks pretty similar.

The shaft seems like it might be a little long though. Although pictures make it hard to judge

This is the actual part from Partsisparts (Vox's supplier)

It is Out Of STock, and I don't see any model number info

Obviously it is a B100K

This is the gain pot from my Vox Satchurator, it is unfortunately broken and just spins freely, and I would like to replace it.

I believe it is an ALPHA pot but I can't seem to find this one online.