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Messages - Alrod

Tech Help - Projects Page / Re: OP275 / CA3130 IC
August 19, 2012, 07:35:56 PM
Thanks for your reply.  I am a DIY hack.  I am really bad about understanding datasheets.
Tech Help - Projects Page / OP275 / CA3130 IC
August 19, 2012, 04:12:33 PM
Can a CA3130 IC be swapped out with an OP275  ( plug and play, no modifications)?

The reason I ask is because the BJF Honeybee (and YellowShark) uses the CA3130 whereas the Mad Professor Sweet Honey Overdrive.  Although to my ears the pedals do sound different, they are supposed the be the similar. 

If not, are there other IC's I can experiment with on the Yellowshark layout?
Ok, I am feeling pretty stupid at the moment.  I figured out the problem...

The C6 and C11 positions on the board called for 1uf capacitors.  The original builder had some tantalum caps with 15/16 markings on them, and not the '105'.  They may have been right, but I was not comfortable with them since the board was not marked for polarity in those positions.  So either they were the wrong caps or they were backwards.  Anyway, I removed the tants and swapped them out with 1uf poly box capacitors.  All the issues disappeared!

The YellowShark sounds amazing through my Bogner Shiva and is exactly what I was looking for.  In fact I will be putting a couple on my pedal board.  Hopefully MadBean will decide to sell the boards again.  I really suck at soldering on the single layer boards.  I also like having the silk-screen to tell me where the components go.  I am not ashamed to admit it   ;D

Thanks guys for encouraging me to keep looking where I had looked before.  It is so easy to take the basics for granted.

I will double check solder joints, wiring, and resister values.  If I still can't figure it out I will post some photos
Maybe I am not explaining this correctly?

Rather than an overdrive signal that you would get from say a Tube Screamer or OCD pedal, this pedal seems to mix or blend the clean and distorted sound.  The clean sound can be heard very distinctly.  I really don't like this blended sound.  When I listen to sound clips of the Honeybee pedal, I don't hear the blend, just pure overdrive  This leads me to believe that there is an issue with the build that I currently have.

I hope this makes more sense.  Any ideas as to what the problem might be?
I recently purchased an original fabbed YellowShark PCB (populated).  I noticed while playing through my clean channel (Bogner Shiva), that some of the clean signal is coming through with the overdrive signal.  It's about a 60/40 mix.  This is regardless of where the Vol/drive/Nature settings are.  Is this normal for the Yellowsharkl? 

I also noticed that when turning the volume past 75%, that the volume actually goes down slightly.  I checked all the components, solder joints, etc. and even swapped out the 3130 IC with a couple I have laying around.  I also switched the pot  (like for like).  This particular board had the green LEDs.  I swapped them out for red ones and I am still having the same issues. 

Before I start trouble shooting further, I was wondering if anyone has experienced this and if so, what was the fix?

Tech Help - Projects Page / Tantalum capacitors
July 15, 2012, 04:30:03 PM
I am getting to build a Grapevine as well as a YellowShark.  I have some Tantalum capacitors that I can use for the builds, but there are no +/- markings on the board.  So here is my (stupid) question, since Tantalum capacitors are polarized, how do i know which way to put them?  Also, I noticed that the Tantalum capacitors that I have don't show any +/- markings.  So my second (stupid) question is, are all Tantalum capacitors polarized?  Thanks.